Page 15 of The Rookie

She shrugs. “I have a degree to put to use, Wes. I interviewed with some great firms.”

I take in the tightness of her body as I say, “You already put it to use, Charlie. I’m guessing you started these tours.”

“It’s a side gig. Puts the boat to use when we’re not hauling lobsters, and keeps the business running.” She glances at me. “Come here.”

I climb from the bench and stand beside her. “Get behind me,” she says, and goddammit, blood drains to my cock as I visualize her saying those words under different circumstances. I marshal my cock into submission, and stand behind her. “Put your hands right here.”

I reach around her small body, and place my hands on the wheel. I inch a little closer to get a better grip and my body presses against hers, and I swallow, praying to fuck my dick doesn’t jump to attention, and poke her in the back.

Her voice is low, almost mesmerized when she asks, “How does that feel?”


“Nice,” I say.

She takes one of my hands and puts it on the throttle. “Now, when you increase the thrust, you can feel her power.” She puts her hand over mine, and slowly pushes it forward. The boat speeds up. “Fun, huh?” she asks, a slight quiver in her voice. Is she feeling this pull between us every bit as much as I am?

“It is fun.”

“Not as fun as hockey though, right?”

I laugh. “Different.”

She goes quiet for a minute, and I continue to steer the boat, my arms around her. She finally breaks the silence and asks, “Do you like what you do, Wes?”

“I love the game, yeah.”

She casts a glance at me over her shoulder. “But?”

I laugh. “You sensed a but in there, did you?” She nods, and I’m not about to tell her that deep in my soul I can’t help but feel something is missing. “No buts. I love it.”

“It’s great you get to do what you love.”

There’s a longing in her voice. What is she thinking? What is it she’s longing for? If I had to guess I’d say it was to get out of rural Nova Scotia, like every other person our age, but to see her on this boat, I’d say it’s where she belonged. There’s no doubt I belong in a rink and while I do love it, there are times it’s a bit lonely too. Most of the guys are finding their partners now. I’m the rookie, still learning his way around, and while there’s a bunny always ready to warm my bed, that gets old too. I guess what’s missing from my soul is a family of my own.

“I’m glad you made it, Wes.”

That deep yearning in her voice wraps around my heart. “You’ll make it too, Charlie. I’m sure both of those firms in Toronto will make an offer and you’ll have your pick.”

She nods. “You’re probably right. You know, I loved playing hockey like you did, but I definitely didn’t want to make a career out of it,” she says with a sigh. “Mom wanted us to try everything. I think she’ll be disappointed if I don’t get a job in the city.”

Odd, I never really sensed that about her mom, and Charliewantsto leave, right? To me it just seemed like her mom wanted her daughters to try everything, to discover who they are, and have no regrets. As I think about her mother’s wisdom, I want to ask about her dad. All I ever knew was that he left when she was just a kid. What kind of guy walks out on his wife and four young daughters? While I’d like to know, I don’t want to bring up another subject that might upset her.

“You were damn good at hockey.” As I think back to her aggressiveness on the ice, an idea hits. “Hey, maybe we can have a game of one-on-one before I leave.”

As soon as the words fall off my tongue, I realize how sexual they sounded. She doesn’t call me on it. Instead, she taps my hand and I remove it from the throttle to put it back on the wheel. “You’re a natural, Wes. I’m not surprised.”

“Why not?” I ask, and lower my head until my mouth is close to her ear. Her sweet floral scent curls around me and there isn’t a goddamn thing I can do to stop my dick from swelling.

“You’re the kind of guy who’s good at everything he does. A natural athlete, farmer, and now fisherman.”

“Thanks for the compliment but I’ll leave the fishing stuff to you.” Needing a reprieve from her body, I let go of the wheel and step back. It’s either that, or I’m going to put my mouth on her neck, and my hands…everywhere.

I’m a little breathless and lightheaded as I drop back onto the bench. Honestly, the last time I wanted a woman this badly was…never.

“Are you okay?” her eyes narrow in on me. “Oh no.”

“What?” I ask.