"That's right, I'm surprised you recognized me after all this time." Cord moved to face him.

"Well now, why are you here in Terrell?" He asked innocently.

"I came to get Charlie. Where is he?" Cord asked watching Sam's every move.

"My son?" He questioned with a frown.

"No, actually, he's mine." Cord told him.

"I beg to differ!" Sam said, his voice rising just a tad and his face becoming black with fury.

"What have you done with him Sam?" Cord asked.

"He's fine, but you won't get him." Sam told him arrogantly.

"I wouldn't bet on that, Sam." Cord glanced about the room. "Is he here, or have you stashed him somewhere that no one will find him?" Cord asked.

"He's perfectly safe." Sam assured him.

"Your wife and baby are dead Sam; you are going to have to face it sooner or later." Cord told him without much regret.

"I didn't think you that cruel Cord." Sam frowned, moving toward his desk once more. He pulled a gun out. "Now I think you've said all you need to. Get out."

Cord sighed aloud. "Sam, I'm sorry for you. I really am, but I can't change their death. You've got to deal with it so you can get over it. And Charlie isn't yours."

"You know damn good and well he is mine."

"I know how it all came to be, Sam. And I'm not letting you get away with this."

"I received notice of the adoption, but it didn't go through because I didn't sign it. He's my son and he stays with me." Sam announced.

"You raped her, I ought to kill you for that. You think I’m going to tell Charlie about that? You think I'm going to let that great kid be raised with that on his plate. No. Now for the last time, where's Charlie?"

"You'll never find him."

"What are you doing, hiding him out?" Cord accused.

"You persist in this, Charlie could get hurt." Sam stared coldly into Cord's eyes.

"I'll kill you myself, Sam, for hurting Lilly." Cord put his hand on his gun.

"Go ahead, kill me, you'll never find the kid if you do." Sam promised.

"There's a way Sam, and I'll find it." Cord moved toward the door. "And your life is going to be a living hell until I do."

"You don't scare me. Nothing can scare me now!" He shouted at him.

"We'll see about that, Sam." Cord walked out, slamming the door. He glanced at the meek little teller. "Your boss is in now!"

He walked out into the street. He'd go to the Sheriff's office. Maybe they could help.

The Sheriff was a thin little man with a big gun and a bigger mustache.

"What can I do for you stranger?"

"Sheriff, the President of your bank, Sam Donaldson has gone off his rocker. He's crazy. He took my kid. He lost his wife and baby and now he's taken my kid. I want him back."

"Sam Donaldson?" He asked sitting down in his chair and almost laughing at the absurdity of that statement. "Why Sam in a pillar in our community. One of the nicest men I know."