"Then you don't know many people. Sam has taken my son. I want him back." Cord repeated.

"Sit down mister. You better start from the beginning." The Sheriff informed him.

After an hour of talking Cord didn't feel he'd gotten any further with this so called Sheriff. He'd have to find Charlie on his own.

He needed to search Sam's house.

He walked out on the boardwalk and studied the town a bit.

He went back to the house, and the maid answered again. "Is Sam in now?"

"No sir. I told you he's at the bank."

"Then can I come in and wait?" Cord asked.

"I'd rather you just come back when he's here." The maid grabbed her chest as though she felt threatened.

Cord left, going around back and glancing through the windows.

He was about to take off, when he spotted something in one of the back rooms. A movement of sorts. He heard something too. Charlie! He was in there.

Cord broke a window and went inside. Charlie was in a corner, he was bound and gagged.

Cord unwrapped the gag, then untied him. "Charlie, are you all right?"

Charlie hugged him, "I am now. He grabbed me from the barn!"

"It's all right Charlie. We're going home now."

"He said his name was Sam and that he was my father." Charlie rushed to say.

The maid came to the door and Cord shushed Charlie.

She finally walked away.

"We have to get out of here now."

Charlie nodded.

They left out the window and hurried to the saloon where he'd tied his horse.

But about to mount up, Sam walked out in the street and called Cord out.

"Cord, don't you try it." Sam warned.

"Sam, don't do this." Cord warned him now.

"I'll kill him before I'll let you have him." Sam told him, wielding the gun in his hand nervously.

"You can't mean that." Cord turned on him now.

"I mean it. Move away from the horse." Sam told him.

"Not on your life," Cord stared at Sam. "You don't want to do this Sam."

Sam aimed his gun and Cord jumped to throw Charlie off the horse. As the shot rang out, it clipped Cord in the arm, but he wasn't hurt bad enough to stop him from drawing his gun. "Put the gun down Sam. I don't want to kill you."

Sam started talking and looking for Charlie, but Charlie had scrambled up the boardwalk and was standing in the doorway of the merchant's building.