Jason sent him a damning scowl. "Shut up, Dan."

"He's gonna find out sooner or later." Dan moved away from Cord and Jason.

"Sam!" Cord's face turned red now. So it wasn't just a feeling he'd had. They got Sam into this!

"If I find out you had something to do with this Jason, I'll be back. Now where is Sam?"

"Again, how would I know?"

"Where does he live."

Dan saw that Cord was through playing games, that he was desperate to find Charlie and Dan liked Charlie. "He lives in Terrell now."

Cord turned to look at Dan. Dan shrugged. "I like Charlie."

"You dirty snitch, I ought to kill you." Jason hollered as Cord turned him loose and shoved him against the wall of the house.

"Charlie was happy with Cord, Jason. He doesn't deserve to suffer because of this." Dan explained looking straight at Cord. "Sam just lost his wife and baby, he's not thinking straight and he might hurt Charlie."

"You miserable coward!" Jason yelled.

Dan stared at his brother for once, and Dan drew on him, "Shut up Jason. For once in your miserable life, shut up or I'll kill you myself."

"You won't use that gun, you're too much a coward. You've never killed anyone in your life." Jason yelled.

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Dan's hand shook just enough for him to notice, but he held it steady on Jason. "There's always a first time."

Cord studied the two of them and moved to stand in front of Dan. "He's not worth going to jail for Dan."

Dan stared at Jason with the hate that had built for the past couple of years. "Your right. Your also right that he had a hand in this too. Jason tried to talk Sam into killing you because he's too coward to do it himself. You and Lilly. Sam didn't want to kill anyone, he just wanted Charlie. But poor Charlie, he don't know what's going on. You got to go get him, Cord." Dan cried real tears now "You gotta stop all of this. Ain't no telling what Charlie will do if he finds out Sam's his father."

Cord stared at the kid, "Charlie's going to be alright Dan. It might take him a while, but he'll figure it out."

"I'm gonna take Jason into the Sheriff's office," Dan announced as though he'd finally gotten some backbone. "He's done enough damage. And I don't want him knocking me around anymore."

Cord nodded, "Good idea, Dan. I'll go after Charlie."

Dan nodded. Pedro and Don Diego helped Dan tie Jason up and put him on his horse.

Pedro looked at Cord, "We will ride with you."

"No, this is something I have to settle with Sam. I don't want anyone hurt. Go back to the ranch and take care of the women and children. If I don't come back tell Lilly the ranch is in her name."

Pedro narrowed his gaze on Cord, "But I will go with you!"

"No. I'm gonna settle this." Cord told him. "I'd rather know that the women, children and ranch is taken care of, no matter what happens. If I don't come back, you'll know Sam's still got Charlie. Get the Sheriff and go get Charlie, understood?"

"Si, understood!" Pedro frowned at him and rode off in a cloud of dust.

"My cousin, he thinks he is a fast gun." Don Diego smiled at Cord.

"Yeah, but he's not. See that he uses his head, Don Diego." Cord told him.

"I will, good luck, my friend." And Don Diego rode to catch up to Pedro.

When they got home and told Lilly, she was frantic. "Sam took Charlie?"