"Si, Dan said so." Pedro explained.

"He's going after him alone?" Lilly cried.

Don Diego stepped up now and looked at Lilly's frantic face, "He wanted it that way. He said if he does not return, that we are to get the Sheriff to go with us and get Charlie."

"Does not return!" Lilly's face went white. But suddenly she raised her head and with a determined effort looked at them both. "He'll return! I know he will!"

"Of course," they both agreed.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

It was a long ride to Terrell and it meant camping out several nights. Cord hadn't even ridden back to the ranch to tell Lilly. He knew she'd be worried. Still, he needed no distractions right now. This was going to take some doing and he had to be ready.

It took five days of hard riding for Cord to ride into town. Cord noted it was a prosperous town as the railroad had come to here. A bank, a hotel, several four mills, a cotton gin, and many churches were springing up all over this buzzing town. People were everywhere.

He stopped off at the local saloon to find out where Sam lived.

The barkeep poured him a beer and told him where to find Sam's house.

"Much obliged," Cord told him.

"If you're a friend, maybe you should know, his wife and kid just died."

"Wife and kid, huh? How'd it happen?"

"Childbirth. The doc was out of town."

Cord took this news in, that explained Sam's sudden interest in Charlie. It also told him he was dealing with an emotional man. He hadn't expected that.

He went to the house and a maid came to the door.

"May I help you?" she asked.

"Looking for Sam Donaldson." Cord explained.

"He's at work. He's President of the bank sir." The maid informed him.

"I see, well, how about Charlie. Is Charlie here?"

"Charlie? There's no Charlie, here." The maid closed the door on him then.

Cord was worried. What had he done with Charlie. There was no choice, he'd have to see Sam at the bank.

He found the bank to be the nicest building in town, modern.

He walked inside. He saw several tellers and a back office.

The teller saw him and asked, "Can I help you sir?"

"I need to speak to Mr. Sam Donaldson."

"One moment please," The man went to the back office and came out directly. "Sorry, he's not receiving anyone this morning."

"He'll see me." Cord said and rushed the door.

The teller objected, but it was too late, Cord burst in on Sam.

Sam stood up, stiff and blank faced. "Cord McCall?"