Twenty minutes later he smiled and told her to get dressed.

When she came out of the room he put her in, she looked at the doc skeptically. "Well, I am pregnant, aren't I?"

"Very much so, my dear. And you are right three months. I'm very happy for you Lilly. It's good to see the two of you so happy."

"Cord will be so thrilled. Don't know how Charlie's going to take the news though."

"No worries there, he told me at the wedding he hopes ya'll had a bunch, he said it's lonely being an only child. Yep, he's quite a young man Lilly. Growing up fast, but good." The doc nodded.

An hour later Lilly walked out of Doc's house beaming. She was three months pregnant and the feelings surrounding her was like a happiness she'd never known.

She couldn't wait to find some unique way of telling Cord. He'd be so happy. He was so looking forward to children. And she already knew he'd be a great father.

But how was she going to tell him?

If he saw her face he'd guess it himself.

She went home and Cord was out in the pasture working. Charlie wasn't about so she went directly to Maria's.

She gave her the ribbon for the baby's hair and Maria immediately went to tying little bows from it to put in the baby's hair.

"I'm pregnant Maria!" She couldn't contain herself any longer.

"Oh how wonderful. I am so happy for you and señor Cord. Have you told him yet?"

"Told him what?" Cord asked as he, Pedro, and Don Diego walked in.

Lilly turned bright red. "It's nothing, I just bought some ribbons for the baby's hair, she looks so cute in them, Maria was just putting some in her beautiful black hair."

"Well bring her out here and let us see," Pedro smiled.

Maria went to get the baby and winked at Lilly.

Directly she brought the baby out and Pedro saw two pink ribbons, tiny ones, in the baby's hair.

"Madre Mia, she is beautiful," Pedro picked her up and paraded her around the room.

Don Diego took her, then Cord.

Maria looked at him, "Well maybe Cord will have a baby one of these day."

Cord smiled. "I hope so. Nothing sweeter than a baby." He cuddled little Lilly in his arms.

But when she started crying he turned her over to Maria. "I guess you know what she wants."

"Si, Maria laughed. She went into the other room, got a small blanket, threw it over her shoulder and came back in the room feeding the baby.

Charlie and Juan came in from outside and Lilly let him know it was time to go home.

When they got home Lilly began fixing some supper and Charlie and Cord were in the front room, cleaning the guns. Cord was showing Charlie to do it.

"Next time you can clean them," Cord told him.

"I will," Charlie looked very happy.

At the dinner table they all talked but Lilly couldn't get the courage up yet to tell Cord about the baby.

It was later on the porch, as Charlie went to curry his horse that Cord had given him, that Lilly sat in the rocker by him on the porch, glancing at him off and on.