After they ate and related a few more stories they went over to Maria's and everyone was tickled about the baby. Charlie held her and he talked to her as though she understood every word. "Me and Juan, we'll take care of you, you don't have no worries."
Lilly felt a tug at her heart. Her son was really growing up now. "Let them change a few diapers and they might change their minds."
Maria was feeling good; in fact, she was sitting in the kitchen talking to everyone when they came in.
"She sure has a lot of hair for a baby," Liam remarked, "Beautiful hair."
"We've named her Lilly Ann." Maria smiled.
Cord looked at Maria and beamed, "She's a beauty."
Pedro passed out cigars and the men went on the porch while the women took turns holding the baby. The kids went outside to play.
"Maybe you will have a baby soon?" Maria suggested with big eyes.
Lilly glanced at her, "Don't say anything, but I think I might be pregnant, Maria."
Maria's eyes widened and she smiled, "Oh…it is wonderful news. But you haven't told Cord yet?"
"No, I wanted doc to check me first before I tell him."
"Oh si, but you must hurry. News like this will spread quickly. I cannot keep secrets very well."
Lilly chuckled. "I've always wanted Charlie to have some brothers and sisters. But he'll be quite a bit older than them. I hope he can adjust to it."
"Children adjust better than grownups most of the time." Maria assured her.
"They were so proud when they came in from the hunt. They both got some game so it made it a special time for them. They are growing up Maria."
Maria nodded, "I know, Juan can't stop talking about it."
"They won't forget this trip." Lilly assured her.
"No, but our ears will get tired listening to it." Maria chuckled. "I'm going to put her down now."
Lilly went into town a couple of days later. She bought a small ribbon for the baby's hair, since the baby had such thick black hair, Lilly wanted to show it off with pretty pink ribbons, and Maria would be happy.
Then she went to see Doc.
"Well young lady, what brings you in to town?" He smiled. "I don't often get a visit from you."
Lilly looked at him with a sparkle in her eye. "I think I might be pregnant, but I want you to confirm it for me." Lilly announced.
"A baby? That's wonderful Lilly. Well now, come on in here and let me check you." He offered.
"I didn't think I'd get pregnant so easy Doc." She exclaimed.
"You missed your monthly?" He asked.
"Yes, about three of them as a matter of fact. I must have got pregnant on our honeymoon is all I can figure."
"Were ya'll wanting more children?" He asked.
"Oh yes, but it still feels like the honeymoon doc." Lilly told him.
"That's a good thing." He chuckled.