"It's yours to touch," he grinned. Her fingers slid over his nipples and he almost jumped. Her lips followed and he drew a deep breath. "Honey, it's not going to last long if you keep doing that." He warned playfully.

She chuckled and meeting his gaze she backed off.

But when he came to his pants, she got up and moved towards him. She undid his belt buckle, and slowly slid his pants down, then his drawers. She gaspe

d when his manhood stood at such attention for her. She smiled and dipped her head to touch her lips to him there. Shock riveted through him. He gasped, "Lilly honey, you are setting me on fire…" He whispered.

"Good, that's how I want you. I want you as on fire as I am. I want us to have a glorious coming together."

"Honey, you've already started the fire."

"I want to seduce and please you so much you'll never look at another woman."

"You've accomplished that already, sweetheart. You were a girl when I left you. A beautiful young girl, but you're no girl any longer. You are the softest, sweetest, sexiest woman I've ever known." He smiled into her eyes. "And I can't believe you're all mine."

She moved to the bed, crawled in it and invited him in.

He chucked his boots and his socks and joined her in one fluid motion.

But before he touched her, he moved the sheet away so he could look at her, from her head of glorious red hair to her dainty feet, stopping at places in between to admire her.

"Will I do, cowboy?" She purred.

"I'm about to explode right here, just looking at you." He shook his head and chuckled. "It's such a glorious thing to just lay here and feast my eyes on you." He said sincerely. "To be able to look at you, like this, and then to have you…I'm afraid I'm gonna have a lot of walking problems from now on. Just conjuring you in my mind will cause that." He grinned.

Her smile seduced him, "You said you aim to keep me here a few days, I'm a very willing captive."

His hands moved to her breast, holding them, then nuzzling them, and then his lips captured each peak and he suckled her, laving the tempting pink tips until they were nearly red. "You don't have any idea how much I wanted to hold them in my hands. Nor how often. So soft, and lovely."

"Yes I do. Just like I like running my hands over your slick chest. It drives me wild." And she proceeded to show him. Her lips massaging him there.

He groaned in his throat. "I knew it would be good between us, I just didn't know how good." He murmured as his lips went all over her now, exploring every curve. His hands went around to massage her buttocks there. She was firm, round, and so enticing.

His hand kept following the curve of her hips and he cupped her there gently. "All mine, every inch of you." He sighed. "I'll never let you out of my site. You're like discovering a gold mine."

But as he held her buttocks gently in his hands, he moved down on her, with his mouth, easily parting her legs so his lips could massage the very center of her. She moved her body against him now, but his hands lifted her to his mouth as he suckled her there until she was clutching the sheets, then his back and his hair. He realized she'd climaxed at one point, but he didn't stop, he wanted to build the fire again and then take her.

She moaned softly her approval of every touch, every kiss. She didn't stop him, she egged him on. Her scent was so sweet, like lavender, he smiled against her there.

Suddenly he moved up to her breasts and murmured, "I want you now, sweetheart."

"Yes," she begged, opening her legs wide for him.

When he entered her, she swooned at his eagerness and met his every stroke. Her legs ran up and down the side of him, clutching him. Her muscles worked him and he gasped with delight as she pulled him into the center of the vortex of love. His thrusts moved achingly over her core and she wrapped her legs around him and urged him even deeper.

It was a long and lasting climax that had her grabbing him on the backside and squeezing hard. He was like a rutting bull, unable to stop the glorious moment as he took her into heaven with his thrusts. She gave herself completely over to his mastery. He was a gentle but very thorough lover, giving her every pleasure, as his own reached a pivotal point. She moaned softly the glory of their coming together in such a complete orgasm, and he knew exactly how to prolong the moment of euphoria for them both. She gasped at his knowledge of pleasing a woman.

They collapsed in each other's arms, and slept for a short while.

When they woke, they ate cheese and nibbled fruit, drank Champaign and explored each other with their lips and hands.

Three times they made love before a deep sleep overcame them. His hand rested on her breasts, hers on his chest.

Then next morning they didn't get up, they played with each other, teasing, taunting, tasting each other.

"You're going to be a hellova wife to come home to, lady." He grinned at her as he pulled the sheet up over her and held her against him.

"Think I can keep you happy?" She asked with a purr.