"Sounds interesting." He smiled as he watched her move seductively.

"Now, since you've tossed my garter, maybe you'd like to take my stockings off," She raised her skirt and produced a well-shaped leg that was adorned in a fancy lace stocking.

He looked at the white lace on her leg and his eyes glittered. "Yes ma'am." He drawled with a beaming smile.

He moved his hand slowly down her leg, obviously enjoying the feel of her shapely leg, pulling the white lace off and kissing her here and there as he went. He reached her delicate feet, then tossed it over the chair in the kitchen. But he didn't let go of her foot, surprisingly. He rubbed them for a moment, then kissed her on the toes, letting his lips slide seductively over each toe slowly. She grinned. "You're good at this, I see. Now the other one," She beckoned.

"My pleasure," He smiled totally wrapped in this seduction scheme of hers. She liked the fact that he could play along with her, and was so willing to do so.

His hands reached to pull the other stocking off, gently, giving it the same attention as the first. But when the stocking came off his hand reach to her high thigh to gentle caress it, all the way to her toes.

She smiled, "I can see I don't have to lead you into this."

"No ma'am," he drawled and drew back to wait for the next thing she'd take off.

She put her skirt down and started unbuttoning the blouse, slowly, showing a creamy expanse of skin as she did so. He whistled.

"Want to help me with my blouse?" She tempted.

"I'd be delighted." He said standing up and pulling her blouse away, but before she could escape him, his lips landed on her shoulder, kissing her there, then around to her back as he lifted her long hair.

Suddenly she tossed the blouse and he stared at a beautiful white lace camisole, part of which he could see through. His attention flew to the lovely lace around her bosom. He drew breath, his loins tightened, and he tried to be patient and just enjoy this.

He started to pull her toward him but she backed away, "Don't be in too big a hurry cowboy." She teased him.

"A man can only stand so much honey," He stared at the soft round of her breast, practically bursting at the seams of that camisole. He certainly wanted to help her out of that.

She undid the back of her skirt and laid it gently on top of her other clothes when it fell to the floor.

When she bent to pick up her skirt, she saw him gazing at the access to her curvy backside. His head crooked to get a good look. She smiled seductively. "Like what you see cowboy?"

His voice was so raspy he had to clear his throat, "Ma'am you can't imagine how much I like it."

Then ever so slowly she stepped out of the slips of her skirt. He tensed as he watched her every move.

His breath hitched at the silk drawers she wore. The material was so thin he could see through it. When she stood before him in just the camisole and her drawers, his mouth began to water, and his loin tightened even more. She slid out of the drawers, but the camisole covered her.

"Now, she came closer, I'm going to need your help to come out of this…" She purred coming close and leaning so her breast nearly spilled into his mouth.

He gasped aloud. "My God, you're so beautiful. You have no idea what a gorgeous woman you have become."

His fingers fumbled at first with the pretty ribbons that held the dainty see through camisole. But finally they were loose and he turned around and peeled it away from her.

Now he stopped breathing, his eyes glittered as he stared at the sweet bosom that he'd wanted to taste so often,

Big round breasts with pink cropped nipples stared at him as she leaned toward him, "Now cowboy, it's your turn." She said, kissing him hotly on the mouth. When she leaned her breasts caressed his chest, and he drew breath.

"My God sweetheart," His head fell against her breasts and he nuzzled her there. His lips sought each nipple, as he laved them.

"Easy cowboy, we want this to last a long time," She moved away. Totally naked, she posed on the bed for him as he started undoing his clothes quickly.

"Slow down, I want to enjoy looking at you too." Her voice went raspy.

In no time at all, he had his vest off and then began unbuttoning his shirt as his eyes never left her beautiful body. He teased her as he flapped the shirt open and closed. She laughed playfully.

She thrust out her breasts and curled her legs on the bed.

But she he opened his shirt, she got up and came toward him, her hands went inside his shirt and she laid her head near his shoulder, "I love touching you here." She said softly. "I’m as bad as you, I can hardly wait, but there's just something so sexy when you open that shirt I go all mushy inside."