"I reckon so." Dan fretted.

"Everything is going to be all right, you'll see." Butch assured him. "You need to settle out."

"Did you deliver the note?" Dan asked, his voice anxious and a tad nervous.

"Yeah, I found that kid Juan in town and told him to take it to Cord." Jason smiled snidely. "He'll get it there fast."

"Did you think to get some ammunition, because we'll need it, tomorrow."

"I did." Butch hollered, the one thing he never forgot was ammunition even Jason should have known that.

"You think he'll come that soon?" Dan asked.

"It won't be long. He might even show up tonight."

"What are we going to do with the kid?" Dan's voice raised to a higher pitch as though he was freaking out. Charlie was beginning to wonder what in the world they were talking about.

"If all goes as planned we won't have to do anything but feed him some breakfast and take him home in the morning."

"Yeah, but I don't like this." Dan protested. "If he comes tonight there will be shooting and it will wake him. Then what? He'll know what's going on."

"You want to get Cord or not?" Butch faced him, coming closer.

"I want to…. but…"

"I didn't want to do it either, Dan." Jason said with patience he wasn't really feeling. "But it's the only way to get Cord out here so we can kill him, and you know it…. Quit your worrying this will all be over shortly. You always worry too much Dan. Worry makes you make mistakes."

Charlie heard that and his eyes flew open.

They wanted to kill Cord. They were holding him to get Cord out here? Charlie had to do something. He had a gut feeling they were up to something. But he trusted Dan. Dan let him down. Now he knew he couldn’t trust any of them. He had to get away, and tonight if he could. Although the walk back to town was going to take some time even if he did manage to get away. And if they caught him…they might kill him. Although, he couldn't see Dan killing him. Dan wasn't a killer.

Maybe he was a little too trusting!

Chapter Fourteen

Juan rode to Cord's place fast, spewing dust as he rode. He knew anything coming from the Dubs brothers wasn't good. He was breathless and panting when he reached the house and ran inside to show the note, which was folded up neatly, to Cord.

"Butch Dubs gave me this note to give to you." Juan told him, as sweat rolled down his forehead and onto his cheeks.

"Thanks Juan. You look tired, help yourself to some lemonade. Did you come back so soon just for that?" Cord glanced at the kid who was out of breath and flushed.

"Yeah, I figured it had to be important. Thanks Mr. Cord." Juan went to get a glass as Cord opened the note.

"We got Charlie, if you want him, come get him, alone." It was signed, Jason.

Cord bristled, his face screwed up in a huge frown and he crushed the note in his hands. He readjusted his hat, got to his feet and checked his gun.

"Juan, tell your dad I've got to go get Charlie, the Dubs boys took him." Cord said, loading his rifle now and getting bullets for it and his handgun.

Juan stared for a moment, his eyes bulging. "They got Charlie? You mean they kidnapped him?"


"I'll tell my father. Do you want him to go with you?"

"No, just let him know where I've gone, and if I don't come back to get a hold of Lilly." He told him.

"Yes sir…" Juan flew out the door before he even finished his lemonade.