"Sure did." Jason answered. "Well, Charlie, you might want to stay for supper then and we'll clean them fish."

"Oh, I told Ma I'd be home before sundown." Charlie replied. He didn't look at Jason, because he didn't like the man. But he could stay for supper his mom wouldn't be mad.

"You don't have to fret about that. I done told your Ma you were stayin' for supper and that we'd bring you home in the morning as we had business in town." Jason told him.

"You did?" He glanced up at him now with surprise. He'd never spent the night with anyone else before and it made him a little edgy. But Jason being the most intelligent, Charlie figured maybe he had asked. "I didn't think you liked my Ma."

"Aw now…sure I do, Charlie…" Jason shrugged. "Everyone likes your Ma…" He chuckled and shot Butch a quick glance.

"Well…she doesn't care much for you…" Charlie mumbled under his breath. He didn't like the way Jason said that.

Dan heard him and when Jason and Butch went to the house, Dan laughed.

"Don't pay no attention to them. Nobody likes Jason much, Charlie." Dan chuckled. "Including me and Butch."

Charlie looked at the two men dismounting and going inside the house, "Yeah, I bet you're right about that."

"I don't like him much either, but he's my brother. Got no choice."

"Yeah, I guess that's true." Charlie nodded. "Does he tell you what to do all the time?"

"Pretty much. Well, we catch a few more and we'll have a big fish fry, Charlie." Dan encouraged him. Despite his brothers, he didn't want to frighten the kid or worry him. Left up to him, Charlie would go home before Cord ever got there.

"You were right, there are a lot of catfish in this creek." Charlie chuckled. "Do you fish a lot?"

"Oh sure, I like to fish. And Jason and Butch like them for supper." Dan nodded. "They just don't have patience when it comes to fishing. It takes patience."

"Sure does." Charlie agreed. "You fish much?"

"When I'm not workin' I do. Calms me down."

"Yeah, it can do that. Takes your mind off your troubles." Char

lie laughed.

But Charlie wrestled with the invitation to stay for supper and stay the night. He'd never stayed the night out here and he couldn't quite believe his mother would let him. She didn't like any of the Dubs boys that well. "I really ought to be getting back after supper, don't you think?"

"Aw…if Jason asked if you could stay, then it's all right Charlie." Dan insisted. "I might not like Jason, but he's smart about things. I'm sure he got permission from your Ma."

"I guess." Charlie shrugged. "It's just until morning, though. I got chores to do."

"Shore, shore, we'll get you back." Dan promised then glanced at his brothers.

Charlie thought Dan was pretty nice. Maybe if he took the time to get to know Dan, they could be fishing buddies. He was growing up and it would be fun hanging out with someone a little older.

That evening Jason and Butch seemed to be more jovial than usual and Charlie had a good time as he and Dan cleaned the fish and Butch fried them up. They had a pot of beans, cornbread and fried fish and it was a right good supper, Charlie decided.

But later, after supper Charlie felt a bit out of place and suggested going home. Especially after Jason and Butch decided to have a drink.

"We'll take you home tomorrow boy," Jason told him, only his voice was rougher now and his face not as friendly. Charlie didn't feel right about staying the night and he really felt as though he might get in trouble for it. He felt an unease although Dan got him in a checker game that evening before bedtime and Charlie settled out some. Dan was being extra friendly and Charlie decided he'd be home by tomorrow there were no worries.

He bunked on the floor that night and didn't go to sleep for a long while. First time being away at night was a new experience. He tried to relax and go to sleep, but a strange place and strange sounds kept him awake. He heard crickets coming through the doorway, and he thought he saw a mouse earlier, but he didn't want to embarrass anyone by saying anything.

The fire was dying down in the fireplace and the extra blanket that Dan got him was welcomed.

That's when he heard Butch and Jason talking in the other room. He hadn't meant to ease-drop but he was awake and they were talking loud enough to hear because they'd been drinking.

"He go to sleep Dan?"