Just the little things that Cord did for her and Charlie made her love grow for him day by day.

That afternoon Liam asked if he could go. Cord looked at him. "Well sure, I didn't mean to leave you out, can you handle a gun."

"I'm pretty good with a rifle." Liam told him.

"Fine, get your gear ready, we'll ride out in the morning."

That evening Maria looked at Pedro, "I am sorry you will miss the hunt."

Pedro sent her a warm smile, "I do not wish to miss the birth of our child. There will be other hunts, but a child coming is important and I want to be here for it."

"I know, but I know you want to go too." She pouted.

"I will go next time." Pedro told her. "So how are you feeling today?"

"I feel fine, just fine. In fact, I'm going to clean the room for the baby today and get things ready." She told him. "I seem to have more energy today than usual."

"Let me know if you need me, just ring that bell out there."

"I will…" She smiled. "But I feel extra energetic today. I want to get it done while I still can."

He smiled and went to work.

Juan and Charlie were excited to be on a hunt, and not have chores to do. But to shoot the guns would be an experience for them and maybe even hit something.

The women waved them off that morning and settled into cleaning while the men were gone.

Pedro was the only man on property, but things had been going so well lately, he didn't expect any trouble.

The doc stopped off to see them later that morning. He went to see Lilly first.

"So, how's married life?" He asked as he had a cup of coffee with her.

Lilly poured them both a cup and sat at the table with him to catch up on any town news. "It's wonderful doc. I've never been this happy in my life."

The doc's face lit, "I knew you'd like it. Yes, sir, I'm really happy for the both of you. And Cord has fixed this place up proper for you. People in town are wondering how he could afford to fix it up this nice."

Lilly smiled shyly, "I figured they would wonder. Well, to be fair, I gave him some of the saloon sale money, and his mother left him some she'd saved for a while, but the bulk of it came from Cord. You see, those years he hired his gun out, he made good money. And since he didn’t have a female to spend it on, he saved it. He said he didn't know why he was saving it, but that his expenses just didn't amount to much. I never realized how thrifty he was, and it's hard to believe, but he gives me money any time I need it. He said he wants me to dress nice, and Charlie to look good in school, he's very generous with his money, that's part of the reason I gave him some of my profits. I wanted us to share everything in life. And he was all for sharing everything."

"Well now that's good and very sensible too. No secrets between you?"

"Not a one. I gotta admit, he's the only man, save for you, that I'd trust with mine or Charlie's life."

"That's as it should be." Doc nodded. "I'm happy for the both of you, and Charlie too. I know it means a lot to Charlie to have a Pa for once."

"It does. Him and Cord, they get along so well."

"Well, I don't have to worry about you…"

"No, you don't." She smiled. "Are you worried about anything else?"

"Oh, that gambler you sold the saloon to, well, he's got every kind of table you can think of in there, and it gets loud and rowdy sometimes. The Sheriff's been in there several times warning him that he better keep things under control. That Rose lady runs the place though and she rough as nails. It's just so different than it used to be. Used to you could go in there during the day and sit and talk to someone half the morning, but not now. It's way too loud and too much anger going around. I don't go there, if I want bourbon, I send Peter, Mrs. Jones boy over to buy it for me."

"I'm sorry doc. I knew it would change, but there wasn't anything short of not selling that I could do about it. The sale came at just the right time for the amount I was asking. I couldn't very well turn it down."

"It's not your fault. Everything changes in time. And I'm just missing the old ways. Now, I've got to check on Maria and see how she's coming along." Doc told her.

"Doc, you are welcome out here any time you want to come by, just to chat or visit a while, please do. I welcome the company and I love talking to you."