"I'll do that." Doc smiled.

"Pedro is here, the others went hunting."

"Hunting huh."

"Well, Cord built a smokehouse and now he wants something to put in it for the winter, so we'll all have meat this win

ter, and if you need or want some, you can come out here and get what you need. Cord already told me that." Lilly smiled.

"Well that generous of you both. And I might just take you up on that." Doc sort of perked up, hearing that.

"I'll go on over and check on her, and holler before I leave." The Doc told her.

"All right Doc, thanks for checking on her."

"You bet."

When he left, Lilly busied herself with making a peach cobbler. If it turned out good she'd make another before the men came home, but she could share her first with Maria.

Doc in the meantime knocked on Maria's front door.

Maria came running out of the baby's room and unlocked the door.

"Doc, how good to see you."

"Maria, I wanted to stop by and check on you."

"Oh, how sweet. I'm feeling fine."

"Well, what say we take a look, you could already be dilated you know. This certainly isn't your first, and each baby seems to come a little easier."

"If you think it's necessary, yes." She agreed.

He examined her and had a strange look on his face.

"What's wrong?" Maria stared at him as she put her clothes on.

"You are dilated nearly five centimeters. You've got to take it easy, your about to have this baby, Maria. Any pains?"

Maria started to shake her head then looked a bit puzzled, "Well, yes, a little back pain."

"I suspect we're going to have this baby today or tonight Maria."

"Mama Mia, I need to finish the room." She exclaimed.

"The room will have to wait. Now I want you to relax, and rest. I'm going to run back to get Lilly."

"Si, I am that close?"

"You are my dear. Since you've had children before it could come quickly."

"Yes, I understand. But I feel very good."

"Most women do, just before they deliver."

She nodded.

"Now you just go lay down, and put your oldest gown on, and I'll be back."