She chuckled. "I like your hello's. How are things at the ranch?"

"Everything is going along well."

"Seen anymore of Jason?"

"No, I expect he's going to be thinking up something for the future, but I don't expect him to act upon it right away."

They talked, had a beer, and then a man came in.

He wore black like a preacher, Cord decided as he studied the man.

Cord eyed him. He was handsomely dressed in black duds with silver Conchos on his hat and belt. His white shirt and black vest made him look almost dangerous. He wore a mustache, and he had dark piercing eyes. When he took his hat off he displayed a full head of black hair. His manner was stiff and he wasn't a socializer. Cord wondered how he'd get along, or if he'd even be involved in the running of the place.

"Mr. Sorrels, this is my fiancé." Lilly announced. "Cord McCall."

"Mr. McCall," The man nodded but gave little regard. Cord wasn't upset, the man was here to do his business with Lilly and he understood it. And as long as that was all he wanted, he could tolerate him.

He seemed to look about the place, with real interest before saying much. He watched the people closely. He certainly wasn't the friendly type though.

"My offer stands at twenty-five thousand. It's a nice looking bar, put a few gambling tables in here and the place will rea

lly come alive, unless you got an ordinance that keeps gamblers out of town. I hadn't checked on that before I came."

Lilly seemed to think on that, "I don't think there is, although, we've never had gambling tables, you know the fancy stuff like roulette wheels and stuff. But you might want to check with the Sheriff on that."

"I will, to be sure. I've got a gal that will be running the place for me, her name's Rose. I'm not sure when she's arriving, I wanted her out here though looking things over getting familiar with the people. She's very experienced. She'll be here in a few days. Is there any regulations about taking the boys upstairs?"

"No, I've got some regular girls that work here, are you interested in hiring them?" Lilly asked. "Of course the Sheriff frowns on rolling the customers."

"Of course. Sure, for the time being. If they work out well, I'll keep them. I'll need a list of suppliers for your liquor, and what inventory you might be leaving. Oh, and does that piano work?"

Lilly looked at him, "Yes, there's a man here that I'm sure would be willing to work for you if you're interested in his talents. I'm leaving everything here. And when I vacate I'll leave all the information on the bar for you."

"Good. How about rooms, how many are there?"

"Well let's see there are four downstairs and three upstairs. Oh and mine and my son's so that's nine rooms."

"Could one be big enough to turn into private parties for poker?"

"Sure." She nodded. "We also have a full kitchen, and serve food off and on. Especially in the slower winter months. Lots of miners, cattlemen and just drifters come through here in the winter, looking to warm by the fire or have a meal."

"What kind of clientele do you have here?" He asked looking about at the handful of drovers and sodbusters.

"We get a fair crowd on Saturdays, cowmen are regulars ever summer when the herds are moved, kind of slow in the winter though and I close on Sundays. It's an ordinance here in town." She told him. "Can't serve liquor on Sundays."

"How soon could you vacate?" He asked.

"We were just talking about that. We're getting married next week, so then." Lilly smiled. "I'll get my personal things out in the next day or two."

"Congratulations. Alright, if my offer is good enough, then let's conclude this deal right away. It will take me some time to move equipment in and fix it up like I want it. That bar alone is worth it. Nice workmanship."

"Yes, I agree. Fine, you have the cash with you."

"Right here," He touched his coat pocket.

"I have the deed right here," she pointed to the paper on the table.

"How long you owned this place?" he asked.