"I've had it about five years." She said. The building itself is about fifteen years old. We've had little break down problems, nothing major to worry about. As you can see we have fans in the ceiling, a good working fireplace, the water pump in the kitchen works, and the only thing I can think of that might need replacing is a few of the lamps."

He nodded. "Have much riff-raff?"

She made a face and nodded, "The usual kind, some that can't pay their tab. Some that get too drunk and then the rowdy ones when the cattle drives start up. Nothing unusual. Bart Gibson is an old regular, he never has money until the end of the week, but he's good for the payment. One particular fella, Lou Grimes he comes in on the weekend. He's a loner and he doesn't like being disturbed, he sits over in the corner there and minds his own business, but if he's disturbed he can get rowdy. That's about it except for the cattlemen. You probably already know how they are."

"Good. Then let's conclude this, if my offer is good enough and I'll start arranging for shipment of a few things to be delivered. Would that be a problem?"

"Not at all. I'll give you my second key so if I'm not here you can have everything delivered."

"Fine." He reached for the pen and ink and signed the contract between them.

Cord was silent during the business arrangement, but the man looked at him as they signed the papers and she took the money.

"You part of this establishment, sir?"

"Nope, I have a ranch outside of town. I'm just part of her." He grinned.

"I can see why." He smiled smugly. "If she wasn't taken, I'd ask her to stay, but on second thought Rose might not like that."

"You have no worries there. I'm going to be a full time wife and mother."

"You have a kid?" He asked distractedly.

"Yes, a son."

He nodded and folded his hands together. "I always wanted children, just never found a woman who would stay home and take care of them."

The man took the deed and got to his feet. "Well, I'll visit the Sheriff's office and see if there are any ordinances I need to be aware of, or laws. Want to make him aware that bringing gambling into a town sometimes creates a little ruckus and want him to be prepared."

Cord responded to that, "Shootouts?"

"It's possible. When one loses and is ill prepared there can be violence. It's expected to some degree." The man said as though he were talking about statics not people. "But I want no trouble with the law. I run honest tables, and the people will soon recognize that."

"Well that's good to hear. This place has been a second home to some."

"As long as they are buying drinks, eating, or gambling they can stay as long as they want." The man told her.

Cord didn't like him much as a man, he was cold and all business. However, the man seemed to know the ropes when it came to running a saloon, so he kept quiet. He didn't care for tin-horned gamblers, but there was no use bringing that up. This life wasn't going to be part of their lives any longer.

He had liked how Lilly ran things here, it had a homey atmosphere. People came in to eat as much as drink, and not many caused much problems. But with gambling tables it would change and not for the better. Cord hated to see that happen, but short of not going through with the deal it couldn't be prevented.

When the man left he looked at Lilly. "People like him make me sorry you had to sell the place."

"It won't be our worry any more, Cord."

"I hope not." Cord sighed. "Well, honey, are you ready to be a wife and mother?"

"More than ready." She kissed him on the cheek.

His eyes glittered into hers. "Now that it's done, I'm almost sorry we sold it, but…it's the towns problem now.

"How's the bunkhouse coming?"

"Almost done, and Liam is as excited as I am. He said he's gonna like working there. I was tickled when he saw how nice the bunkhouse is, and I know he'll be happy out there. Liam and a few others are moving in now. I'm glad he's coming with us. We're building a place for him to set up a blacksmith shop, he loves it. It'll help keep the barn cleaner and allow him some room to work. Pedro agreed hiring him was a good idea because now we won't have to go into town for horseshoes. Liam said he never dreamed life could be so good. I'm proud he feels that way. Like you ran this saloon, and people came just to relax and enjoy company, I'd like to think the ranch is a home for everyone that works there."

"How about Pedro, is he happy?" Lilly asked.

"Oh yeah, said he's never had a house that nice and big. And they are expecting another child."