"A woman could get addicted to that kind of thing," She grinned.

He smiled back, "I hope so."

They sat down at the kitchen table. "So who made the bid?"

"No one we know; it came from that ad I put in the Dallas paper. The man made a bid and said he'd be coming to town to talk to me about it this Friday." Lilly told him.

Cord thought about it a minute. "Well, was the bid a good one?"

"It was decent. $25,000."

"That is decent." Cord chuckled. "Did you recognize the name or anything?"

"No, but he sent his card with the bid." She handed the card to Cord.

"Joe Sorrels. Never heard of him, well, wait and see. I'd like to be with you though when he comes to town. I don't want him short changing you on anything."

"I thought you might. He'll be here at the end of the week."

"As long as he doesn't stay too long, because you and I have a date with the preacher." He winked. "Are you nervous?"

She stared into his eyes and reached for his hand, "Anxious is more like it."

"Now that's what I like to hear. Me too! Oh and I thought we'd go to that cabin my Pa owns on the other side of my property and stay for a few days afterwards. I'll have it stocked with food and whatever else we need. I kind of wanted to be alone with you for a little while. Mrs. Jones in town already offered to let Charlie stay with her and her kids."

"That was thoughtful of her. Charlie will like that; Freddie is one of his best friends." Lilly smiled. "So Cord McCall, what do you have in mind?" She chuckled.

"Let's just say you aren't gonna be needing to draw water, go to town or get out of bed for at least three days." He chuckled.

"I'm anxious for that too!" She cooed. "I want to be with you, Cord. I need to."

He picked her up and sat her in his lap and kissed her until she couldn't breathe. "Don't be saying things like that to me right now, the bedroom isn't that far away from here, you know."

He leaned her over one arm and kissed her for long lingering minutes. "I don't know whether I've told you this or not, but dammit…. I love you Lilly!"

She reached to caress his cheek with her hand, "Do you mean that?"

He stared into her eyes, "With all my heart. I think I've always loved you, but this is a different feeling from our youth. When you came to see me, that first day I was back, I felt so overwhelmed that you cared enough to be there with me. I loved you then too. This love is hot, passionate and consumes me sometimes. All I could think about as I saw you riding up just now, was how much I wanted and needed to kiss you. I promise you that I'll never let anyone hurt you. I won't share you with anyone but our children. And I'll do my best to make you happy lady."

"Oh Cord, believe me, I want to go in that bedroom with you right now but…I also want to save myself for our wedding night. I want it to be so special. For both of us. And I’m glad you don't want to share me with anyone, because I feel the same. I'd fight tooth and nail for you if I had to. I love you too Cord. It's always been you…"

When she reached up and put her lips to his, the air itself seemed to sizzle. He kissed her lips, let his tongue slide inside her mouth to caress hers, and then his lips caressed her face, her nose, her brow, her eyes, her cheeks and her lips again, moving to her earlobe where he blew a soft warm breath, he felt her shiver, and his lips went down her neck and she laid her head back in the crook of his arm, her hair hanging down almost to the floor, as his lips feathered over the top of her bosom. His nose nudged her cleavage and his hand went to cup her breasts.

"My God, you are so beautiful…You are a lot of woman honey." Her ran his hands through her beautiful red hair and sighed with such contentment. He looked at her pink cheeks and smiled. "There isn't anything about you that isn't beautiful. Did you know that?"

"You haven't seen it all…" She chuckled.

"Honey, I don't have to, I know your shape by heart."

"You're very sexy for a man. Your voice is soft, but a little deep, the way you walk sort like an amble, makes me squirm. And that grin of yours turns me to mush."

She splayed his shirt open and ran her hand inside, touching, caressing. His chest was hairless and smooth to the touch, she kissed him there and felt the goosebumps on him. It was a heated moment between them and Cord wasn't sure he could put the brakes on. He wasn't at all sure he wanted to. If she didn't get her hand out of his shirt he might have to haul her into the bedroom and start the honeymoon now.

Just the very idea, sent hot darts to his loins. God, he wanted her. He'd never wanted a woman this much in his life.

"Why do you always smell so good," He whispered.

"Because I knew I was coming to see you…" She said softly.