He brought her closer, "That's the answer I wanted to hear."

And then his lips touched hers and he cradled her against him. "I don't know if I can stand another week." He rushed to say in a heated frenzy as his lips went slowly around the bust of her dress. The soft pillow of her breasts beckoned him.

She sighed. "You can, if I can." She admitted.

"I'm so lucky," He whispered.

Their eyes met and they stared at each other with such contented smiles. He could hardly wait to make her his.

"One more week," He whispered in her ear. "It may just kill me."

She chuckled, "But it will be a delightful death I promise."

He looked at her, all of her, "I don't know how you've lasted all this time without someone begging to marry you."

"I had a few offers," She taunted him. "But I don't think they were serious, they were drunk."

"I'll bet you did, I'm already jealous." He grinned and kissed her again. "Don't tell me who they were, I might have to have a talk with them."

"I think deep down; I've always loved you Cord. I think I measured every man to you. You'll never know how devastated I was when you left."

He stared at her now, his hand went to her cheek, stroking it with his thumb. "I can tell you this, in the worst of times, it was you there with me, every time. I'd see your sweet face and remember the good times we shared, and the bad. But it was never bad between us, never."

"No, it never was. I've missed you so…" She sighed against his chest.

He stared into her eyes, "Well, you'll never miss me again, because I'll never leave you again."


"Promise!" And he sealed it with a red hot kiss that left them both wanting to go into the other room.

Chapter Twenty-One

On Friday Cord ambled into the saloon and Lilly joined him at a table. The saloon was half full of stragglers. Lilly had waited on most of them herself and now she sat down with Cord.

"So have you met him yet."

"He came by, he's at the hotel, freshening up he said. He should be back soon." She smiled. "He's kind of a dude. And sort of stiff-necked too. Doesn't do small talk much, all business and that’s all right with me."

"Good. What kind of impression did he make?" Cord asked.

"He looks like a gambler. Can't be for certain just going by how he dressed. But I don't really care, as long as he has the money. And we can agree on the major points."

"Is his price in line with what you want?" Cord asked her.

"Yeah, it is. At this point I want to be rid of this place. I'm actually looking forward to being a wife and mother full time now. And Charlie is almost as excited about it as I am."

"How soon you want to move out if you sell?"

"I'd like to get my things out of there before the wedding, so I don't have to worry about this place any longer." Lilly said. "So if we could move our stuff out soon that would be good.

"Good idea, I'll be here to help you move your things to the house." He winked.

"I was counting on that," She purred.

He leaned over and kissed her long and passionately. Even though there were customers in the saloon, no one seemed to mind but a few stared.

"Sorry," he apologized with a grin. "Had to say hello, proper like." He grinned.