"Yes sir, I think she would."
Cord smiled, tipped his hat and headed for the saloon.
Lilly was cleaning a table off and he went up to her and took her hands, pulling her back to the darkened hallway.
"It's all arranged. We'll have the ceremony at the old Baptist Church, where Ma used to go. Two months from today. You got a dress?" He asked breathless.
"I think so, yes…" She looked surprised and happy to see him. Her eyes shone. "Why are you panting so?"
"I just rode in…kind of in a hurry, to see you." He smiled and kissed the side of her cheek. "Don't forget we've got a date at the church, in less than two months. I'm gonna be busy I'm gonna be busy for the next few days, but I'll be in to see you regular, count on that. Oh and Liam, tell him to come out to the place as soon as he can, we're going to start on the bunkhouse."
"I'll tell him, and I'll be here."
"I'm counting on that." He started to leave.
"Cord!" She nearly shouted when he started to leave.
He whirled around on his boot heels.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" She asked in a whisper.
He strode up to her without hesitation, putting his hand above her on the wall, and leaning into her. He wasn't touching her, but he was so close. A sexy smile slid over his face. "Very…" he said and touched his lips to hers.
It was a feather of a kiss, sweet, tempting, and way too short.
He moved away and saw the look of questions in her eyes.
"Is that all?" She asked slumped against the door.
"For now…" he smiled and walked away. But cast her a quick look over his shoulder. "The best is yet to come, sweetheart."
She stood there for a long time, thinking about her wedding day. Smiling dreamily.
But it wasn't long before voices from outside brought her front and center.
It was the Dubs boys.
She rushed to the door of the saloon and peeked out.
Some of the men in the saloon followed her, others crowded by the window.
Butch Dubs stood in the street, his legs spread just enough to steady him, his hand close to his gun. "Get out here Cord, we got something to settle. I want it nice and legal so everyone can see. Not like you did my Pa."
Cord stood on the boardwalk, staring.
"Not today Butch, I'm just not in the mood." Cord said and started walking away.
"You coward, you face me now!" Butch hollered.
"Look kid, you'll die soon enough, don't push it." Cord stopped long enough to say and continued on his way.
Butch followed, still in the street. People scattered.
"You got a name with that gun, but I ain't never seen you use it. I'm callin' you out." Butch challenged. "I'm settling this, once and for all. I'm settling my family's score, now."
"Your family score was settled long ago. And I'm sorry how it turned out for you, but your father drew first." Cord stopped, walked straight up to him and looked him in the eye. "You'll live a lot longer, if you just let this go. And I'm saying it won't be today. I don't shoot drunks."
Butch blinked hard. He was a little unsteady he'd had a few this morning. That was true.