"You better hide Cord, because I'm comin' after you." Butch declared as Cord walked off.

Cord refused to say another word. He got on his horse and mounted. When Butch hollered Cord stopped long enough to look him in the eye. "Another time, Butch." He nodded to Butch as he rode out of town.


Butch stood in the street and yelled at the top of his lungs. "You all saw it; Cord McCall was scared of me. He refused to fight me in a fair fight. He shot my Pa down in cold blood, and nobody did a thing about it. Well, I'm gonna do something. I'm gonna kill him."

Jason came out of the General Store and tightened his lip, as he crammed his brother's hat on his head. "Let's go Butch. It ain't gonna happen today."

Dan came dragging up behind them. "He's yellow, everyone saw that." Dan defended Butch.

Jason shook his head with disgust, as he looked from one to the other. "He ain't yellow. And he ain't stupid. But you two are, challenging him to a fight in the street. He'd win, hands down. I've seen how fast he is…let it lie, Butch."

"I won't. I'm gonna kill him…"

"Not today you're not. Now let's go home." Jason argued.

"He's right. You're drunk."

"What the hell is wrong with you. Don't you want him dead?" Butch glared at his older brother his voice raising with every word. "He killed our Pa, have you forgotten?"

Jason grabbed Butch by the collar and nearly choked him. Butch began to sweat, and his face screwed up in anger. "No, I haven't forgotten. But, as drunk as you are he'd chew you up and spit you out right there in the street, you idiot, now let's go home."

"You think he's that fast?" Butch narrowed his frown on his brother, sobering some.

Jason glanced from under his hat at his brother, "I know he is…"

"Where the hell did you see him shoot?" Butch asked his voice still raised for everyone to hear.

"Down in Waco, he was wo

rkin' with the rangers. He shot it out with a couple of cattle thieves right there in the street. Bold as brass."

"What were you doin' in Waco?"

"I went to get that bull, remember. Last summer."


"And they died. And he walked away without a scratch."

Butch glanced at Dan. "Just bad luck, that's all."

"Nope, he's that good I tell you. You want him dead, you're gonna have to figure out another way, 'cause you can't best him with a gun." Jason spit on the ground, "Now let's ride."

People came out of the shops to stare at the three brothers.

Everyone saw Lilly staring out the door and watched her. She went back inside, her face pale with worry.

Some of the people inside the saloon had watched too.

"That Butch, he's a bad one." One man said.

"Maybe Cord's not as fast as everyone thinks. Maybe he's afraid of Butch." Another man said with a smirk.

"He's not afraid of anyone." Lilly looked at the man. "Sounds like Jason knows a lot more than we do about Cord and his gun."

"You still gonna marry him, Lilly?"