He watched them drive off and sat on the steps a long while.

He glanced over at the grave. "Well Mama, what do you think about us getting engaged?"

He smiled sadly.

"I love her. I'm just not sure how much and how deep, but it's enough. I'll take good care of her and Charlie. And I'll never hurt her." Cord assured his Ma quietly. "I'm keeping Pedro on too. I'm hoping he'll want to build a place on the property, there's plenty of room for it. I hope this makes you happy Ma, knowing I'll be here. And Ma…. thanks!" Cord hung his head.

Chapter Six

The next day Cord walked into the bank. He hadn't been here in a long while, but not much had changed. Mr. Southerland saw him and waved him into his office. His office was quite plush, with padded chairs and big mahogany desk, with shelves of books, and huge ashtrays on the tables for customers to enjoy.

The bank was the only building in town made of bricks and with ceiling fans and barred windows. It had fancy wallpaper, and shiny wood floors. Cord couldn't help but wonder what would happen to those shiny floors when it rained, and the people tracked in mud. This was truly a rich man's bank.

It took on a polished smell too, as if someone polished the wood every day.

Cord looked around for a minute, realizing how much money had gone into making the bank look so prosperous.

"Well now, Doc said you might be selling the place, is that the case?" Southerland asked. He wasn't a man to beat around the bush. Southerland was one of those people who had little regard for Cord, but he was also a businessman. "I've got several people interested in buying the land, already. I'm sure any number of them would give you a fair price."

Cord sized the situation up quickly. He eyed Southerland. He'd never cared for the man personally, but this was business and as a banker he knew his business well.

"Thanks for the welcome greeting this morning, but no sir. I'm keeping it. I'm going to ranch it." Cord announced to his astonishment. "I came to pick up the deed. You said it's in my name, so there should be little trouble about it."

"Ranch it. Well now, you do have some cattle on the land, but I hardly think them enough to make a living with." Southerland chuckled. "Besides, have you ever ranched before?"

Cord stared at the man who thought he knew so much and started to reprimand him, but thought better of it at the moment. From a business standpoint the man had every right to question him.

"My Pa taught me all I needed to know, thank you." Cord added, biding his temper with the man. It was obvious the man didn't want him to stay, but Cord didn't let it phase him. "I'll buy what I need. I'm opening an account here in town too."

"So you've decided to stay?" Southerland looked piqued. Obviously it was becoming increasingly hard for the man to remain stoic. "For good. I mean…this isn't just some trial to see if it works out? I can't say I'm not surprised. I thought you'd be anxious to put this place behind you. I had word you intended to sell!"

"That was yesterday, today is a new day, sir. No, it isn't a trial. I'm settling down here. It's what my Ma wanted." Cord nodded and smiled. "I see that shocks you that I've changed my mind?"

"Yes, to some extent, especially since you told the doc to put the land up for sale."

"Yes I did. But I've got other plans now."

"I see…well," He eyed him perceptively. "I hate to mention this but you know that the Dub's boys still live in these parts too, don't you?"

Cord knew not to blow his temper, he nodded. This wasn't the man's business, but still he intended to do business with him so he wouldn't explode like he wanted. "I know. So…"

"You plannin' on trouble?"

Cord shook his head. "Nope, I don't. I'm settling down, with a family."

"Oh…you married while you were away then?" Southerland looked surprised again.

Cord knew this news would be all over town but he couldn't prevent it. "I plan on marrying soon."

"Really," the man blinked and studied him.…"so who's the lucky girl?"

Cord could tell just by the sound of his voice he was shocked with this news.

"Lilly." Cord watched his face as he said her name.

Southerland's smile faded and he stared at him for a long moment. "You…and Lilly?" His nose wrinkled for a second as though he couldn't imagine it.

"That's right. You see, I'm Charlie's father."