He knew that news would really startle him, but he didn't much care. He wanted that news to spread like wildfire. It was time Lilly and Charlie had some backup in this town. It was time everyone understood how it was going to be.

Southerland's eyes widened and his mouth dropped open. "You…are…" He swallowed hard.

Cord noted how white his face went.

"But how could that be, you've been away? We all thought Sam…or someone in the saloon."

Cord's facial expression didn't change a bit.

"Then you all thought wrong didn't you? I'm aware of what you and others thought. What everyone thought. But I guess you all forgot how sweet on her I was. And it's easily explained, I came back before, I just didn't announce I was in town. Why would I? I came to see her." Cord explained. "I saw Lilly, and we…well, I'm sure you can figure that out. Only, I didn't know she was pregnant, I never returned until now. So I aim to set everything and everyone straight on the matter. You can certainly understand that, I'm sure."

Cord said proudly watching the man's reaction to his words. It was a lie, but he wanted to see him squirm. Mr. Southerland being a gentleman showed nothing in his expression but Cord noticed his brow rising just a tad in surprise. "You see; I wasn't aware I had a child. But now that I am, I'm anxious to make things right for Lilly and the boy. He's a great kid, isn't he?"

Southerland adjusted his tie and stared. "Yes…yes of course…"

It took him a minute to recover from the news, but when he did he stood up and opened the door. "Well then, let's open that account…and I'll get the deed for you."

Southerland was all about money and the fact that Cord had any not only surprised him, but pleased him.

Cord followed him out and the clerk drew up the necessary paperwork. "I'll be depositing my future profits here too." Cord announced.

Southerland took on a different persona now. He seemed delighted that Cord was opening an account and that he could depend on money coming into the bank.

After all the paperwork was done, Southerland wished him good luck and Cord walked out of the bank knowing he had really cemented his place here. The news would be all over town in no time now. That was good. He couldn't right all the wrongs that had been done to Lilly through the years, but he could sure put their minds to rest about her and Charlie.

Only how was Lilly going to take it? That was one thing he wasn't sure about.

He'd talk to her later, he needed to talk to Pedro about buying more cattle and repairing fences.

Two days passed and Lilly came rushing down the road on her horse, her hair flying behind her. What a sight she was on a horse, with her hair blowing in the wind. She looked so pretty he couldn't take his eyes from her.

He'd been expecting her.

When she reached the ranch, she practically flew off her horse and into the house, passing Pedro without a word. "You told them about us?" She yelled as she walked passed him and into the kitchen. Her hands were fisted, her face a wad of frowns. Her eyes flashed at him, the stubborn jut to her chin told him he should tread water. But dear God, she was gorgeous when she was mad.

"Southerland, yes." Cord was sitting at the table eating breakfast and drinking his coffee. He looked so relaxed with his feet propped up and his hat now on his forehead and it irritated her, her cheeks had the fresh bloom a blush.

"I opened a bank account and told him I was staying. I got the deed and a receipt and left."

"But why tell him about us yet?" She fretted her anger beginning to settle now.

"I had no choice, you know how nosey he is." She looked so pretty he couldn't take his eyes from her. "I mentioned to Doc when I first rode into town that I would sell the place, and I knew I had to dispel that. So I told him. You aren't upset are you?"

"Upset?" She floundered, casting her hands on the back of a chair and pulling it out so she could sit down in front of him, she shook her head. "I haven't given you my promise yet. We're barely engaged and you're telling the whole town."

"You took my ring, I figured we were formally engaged now." Cord smiled and sipped his coffee. "And I wasn't aware it was supposed to remain a secret. Actually, I'm kind of proud to announce it."


"Engaged people usually get married. Besides, I told him that Charlie was my son."

Lilly's mouth flew open. Not in anger, in shock. He reached with one crooked finger to close it, and dotted her nose with the same finger.

"Do you mind?"

"Well I…. this is going awfully fast…" She threw her hands up in a gesture. "You didn't tell me you were going to announce it. I've had three congratulations this morning before my first cup of coffee."

"Regrets already?" Cord looked wounded.