Page 71 of Stay With Me

eetness to her phony manners. I like the way you love, primitive and wild. It excites me, and just looking at you, excites me. Knowing you wear nothing under that Indian deerskin dress, makes me want to rip it off you all the time."

"It is not meant to be nasty. But warriors sometimes take a woman in broad daylight in strange places, wearing nothing makes it easier to lean her up against a tree and have his way."

"Did your husband do that?"

"Yes, many times. It was strange, he took me often, but only for his own pleasure. He said once I made his blood boil with needs."

"I can certainly understand that. But part of the pleasure of taking a woman is watching what pleases her!"

"You please me in every way. I will never want another."

"Good, because I feel the same. And it is as it should be."

He got up and pulled her up in his arms, his hands going to her backside to massage her sweet butt. Her butt was perfectly formed, round, firm, and sensationally built. She sighed happily in his arms, her arms going around his ribs. "You like touching me there?" she asked with a smile.

"Very much, you've got a sweet little tush."

"Tush?" she quirked her head.

"Another word for butt."

"When we marry, I want to bathe in the creek with you. I want to play and make love on the banks and play some more. I want you in every way. And every day." She cried with a soft laugh.

"We'll have to be gentler when you get pregnant, but there are many ways to please a woman and I'm sure I will try them all."

"We should save some of it, for our wedding night, don't you think?"

"I don't know. I hate missing a day of loving you."

He pulled her up against him and suddenly she cradled her legs over his waist and opened for him as he plunged himself in the warm depths, she offered him. She was so wet, warm and inviting. She sighed, closing her eyes as he pumped her generously. She let her hair drape over her shoulder and almost to the floor. Her breasts heaved toward him, he kissed her thoroughly there. His eyes watched the beautiful look of her as she seduced him with hot kisses and moved to absorb him into her once more.

It was raw and primitive moment between them, their breathing became labored, sweat poured over their bodies, as he massaged her butt gently with his hands. "You have a beautiful backside." He murmured.

"You like it?" her eyes were half closed with ecstasy as the climax came unannounced. She leaned back and his head dipped to kiss her breasts once more. She moaned the sweet pleasure he gave her. The sweet feel of his lips on her nipples made the climax that much more intimate, she clawed his back, and when he came up from her breasts his eyes devoured her.

"You're so beautiful when we make love." He told her.

"I please you?" she murmured as the sensations ebbed.

"More than you'll ever know. I've never known a more beautiful woman. Not just your body, but your heart." He grinned. "But honey we better get back."

She leaned against him a moment, "when can we be together again?" she murmured, as she pushed him up against the shed wall brought his shaft into her sweetness and began kissing his nipples one at a time softly with her lips, playing with them, until he was again erect and pumping her like a wild mustang. His fingers captured her nipples and brought them to his lips as he kissed and laved them over and over. He'd never thought of sex being so fulfilling as now. She laid all the rules aside and was as eager as he to explore and love on him. She moaned the ecstasy of this moment as he worked her. Her breathing was magnified, as the orgasm began to spread through her, and he kissed her breasts as she leaned back and let him have his fill of her. His tongue flicked against the edge of her nipples, teasing her with pleasure. She moaned softly, as she grabbed his butt and pulled him ever closer to her.

"Oh yes, my love, love me, I am yours." She encouraged.

Nothing was as beautiful as the expression on her face as she opened herself to him. It excited him, thrilled him and he could not get enough of her. The smell of their sex permeated the air, as her body swayed and twisted, and her mouth took on a sensual curve. When the orgasm subsided, he took his fingers and gently rubbed her core. She was raw but overly stimulated. She tasted the sweat from his body, sucking on his shoulder, his neck, his ear, as his fingers delighted her and made her dance upon him. Long after the aftermath of the climax, he held and kissed her so.

Her lips were raw, her breasts were raw, and she reveled in his need of her. She never complained but urged him further to explore and kiss every part of her.

"I love you more than anything in my life," she whispered for his ears alone. "We should behave until the wedding. But after the wedding, I want you in a bed, all to myself."

"You got it." He smiled.

He held her there for a long time, as she cuddled into him now and just relaxed.

"You are my lady," he told her firmly.

"Yes!" she cried. "And you are my man!"