Page 72 of Stay With Me

"I don't know about you, but I'm worn out." He told her with a soft chuckle.

"I must keep you that way, so you don't look at another woman," she chuckled.

"Sweetheart after loving you I couldn't handle another woman if I wanted to, which I don't. You'll have no problem with that as long as you keep loving me with all your heart." He told her.

"You are right, we should get back now. And I will always love you with my heart. Wherever we are, and you want me, I am yours." She sighed contentedly.

"I like that. Your right, we better get dressed and put some of this stuff in the wagon, so it looks like we did a little bit of work at least."

She nodded with a giggle.

"We aren't fooling them, you know," she teased.

He kissed her lips, put her dress on her, then got dressed himself.

They loaded the wagon and headed back.

It was dinner time by the time they drove into the yard.

Chapter Twenty

Charlie came out to see what he'd brought.

Trying to look industrious, Clay had loaded the wagon nearly full of stuff quickly.

The men unloaded the wagon and Willa went inside to set the table for supper.

"Did you two enjoy your afternoon?" Cora smiled as though she knew exactly what they had done.

"Yes, very much, thank you for watching Elan." She smiled.

Cora chuckled. "We had fun too." Cora told her.

At the supper table, Charlie told them he put the old place up for sale.

He looked a bit aggravated, "Jim said Laura thought Indians did it. And it sounded as though Laura knew more about the burning than Jim did."

"You think she did it?" Clay's brows knitted.

Charlie sighed. "It ain't right to accuse when you got no proof, but I'd bet my last dollar it was her, or she put someone up to it."

"I'm inclined to agree with you dad. Aside from Ed, she's the most likely. And even if she didn't do it herself, she could have had it done."

"Does she hate me that much?" Willa cried.

"Not you personally, but she hates all Indians." Clay told her. "She's been hating so long, she can't stop."

"She is young, it is sad when someone hates that much, and is consumed with it. She has a life to lead, instead she wastes her life with hate." Willa shook her head.

"I'm just glad you weren't there when it happened." Cora told them.

"Those men, that attacked Willa at the pond, did you know them Clay?" Charlie asked.

"No, I figure they were someone's hands or something. They looked like the ranching type." Clay said.

"If they find that grave there could be some problems. Especially since I've put it up for sale.

"I know a way to disguise it, so no one will bother it." Willa told them. "We must dig him up and pound the ground solid once more. Then, we shall make it look as though wolves had him."