Page 59 of Stay With Me

"You don't know how much; I enjoy looking at you." he said hoarsely. "I come every morning you bathe to watch you. It's probably wrong of me, but for some reason I want to share it with you. It is such a precious moment between you and Elan, and your expression is so beautiful. I wish I could paint the picture you make."

"My expression is love for my child," she glanced down at Elan who was smacking now. "And for the man who watches over us always."

"God?" he questioned.

"No… you!" she smiled; her look devoured him.

The blanket fell against her ribs now and Clay was mesmerized by the sight of her. Elan hungrily sucked upon one breast, but the other was there for Clay to see. She boldly let him gaze upon her and his expression made her proud. "I am glad I please you."

His gaze moved from her beautiful pouting breasts to her flat stomach and hinted at what lay beyond.

"You look at me, and I am not ashamed." She whispered. "I should be, but I am not. I cannot hide what I feel when you look at me. It pleases me so."

"There are many senses, and when a man and woman are in love, they use them all."

"What do you mean?" she asked staring up at him once more.

"There is the sense of sight, to look at you like this, and the pleasure it gives me, the sense of sound, like when you bathe and splash in the water, the sense of touch, when you touch your child, the sense of taste, as I watch you I can almost taste the sweetness of you."

She licked her lips, then strained closer to him as he bent his head to kiss her. The kiss was inviting much more. Elan was still nursing but their passion grew for each other.

"God knows I want you so." He whispered between kisses.

She moaned softly at his ear, "I too feel the senses. I wish you were my husband right now," she cried. "I wish so much to be with you."

He kissed her and the blanket moved down past her waist as she strained to be closer to him. She did not hide from him now. Elan supped on her breasts and made smacking noises. Clay smiled against her lips.

When the baby finished and went to sleep, Clay got up and spread the blanket for him and she laid him down.

He turned then and saw her, standing there so close, with nothing on, and her hair hanging over her shoulders and back. He stared at her; his eye gleaming with pride that she was not afraid to let him look at her, all of her.

Then she turned away and whispered, "I am shameless for loving you so. I ache for your touches, your kisses." She murmured. When he didn't say anything, she came closer, and her arms went over his chest, pushing his shirt away so she could lay her head there. Her body fusing against him. "I want you my love, all of you. I cannot stop the love that grows when you look at me so."

"There is nothing shameful about you. I love you Willa, and as God is my witness, you are my wife even now, without a preacher. He knows our love."

"I swear by your God, that I will never love another, I ask forgiveness for wanting you so. For needing your arms around me, your kisses on my lips, and your hands on my body. But I do need you. You killed a man for me, to save me, and I am yours now forever. As is Elan. I can no longer hide my feelings for you. To have to kill for me and not regret. I need your nearness now."

"There is nothing to forgive. We have declared our love for one another. We have said these things in front of God Almighty. We are man and wife now, as sure as any preacher proclaiming it."

"Oh, my love," she cried, her hands running over him freely now, her lips kissing his chest. As she reached to wrap her arms around his neck, her breast splayed over his chest and he moaned. "Then take me now and make me yours, as life is short and there is no promise of tomorrow." She said softly, staring into his eyes. "I am yours."

"You are sure you want this now?"

"I have wanted it so for days now. I have ached for your touch and kisses. I bear my soul and my body to you. I give myself to you, do you not want me?"

"What a gift you give me, sweetheart." He said softly and brought her against him. "Of course, I want you, now and forever. God must understand, as he created love himself."

She reached to take his shirt off of him and he chucked it across the floor of the cave. She undid his pants and he chucked his boots off so he could take them off too.

When they were both naked, he lay her on the soft earth and smothered her with kisses. "I have loved you from almost the first day I set eyes upon you." She murmured against his lips. "I thought you the most beautiful white man I had ever seen with your long red hair.

"I have waited so long for you to come along. I thought you'd never get here." He smothered her sweet lips once more with hot kisses.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and let him have his leave, as his hand went to her firm butt and brought her up against him. She sighed.

His hands went up and down her body, caressing her tenderly. "You are so lovely." He said in her ear.

He kissed her face, her eyelids, her nose, her cheek, and chin, then back to the lips that waited for his return.