Page 60 of Stay With Me

Then his lips ran rampant down her neck, slowly, moving his hands through her long hair as he pushed it behind her shoulders. He held her in his arms and her hair flowed over his arms and down on the ground like a black cloud of silk. He ran his hands through her hair and sighed. "You have the most beautiful hair I've ever seen on a woman."

"I love your red hair too. It shines so like fire in the sunlight, I like that you are a clean man. I have smelled the scent of you, and it is clean and manly. I have tasted your kisses and still I hunger for more." She cried. "Your touches set me on fire, and I am consumed with it. I want to be with you now, to become one as you say with you."

"It is right between us Willa and it always will be." He told her softly, as his lips drifted down over a round shoulder. "The wedding is merely a ceremony, we come together here, as man and wife. We will be one soon, my sweet Willa."

She took a deep breath, lifting her breast for his next kiss. He looked at her there, "You, have perfect breasts. Round and yet pouting. The dusty rose of your nipples call to me when I watch you bathe. I can almost taste them."

She smiled against his lips. "I could almost feel your lips on them each time I saw you looking. I wanted you to come to me, so badly so many times. I am shameless for your love." She cried a look of hunger in her eyes. "I knew you watched and that you came every day just to watch. It made me proud that you wanted me so badly. I could feel that want."

"May I kiss you there, sweetheart," he asked.

"It would please me greatly. I so hunger for the touch of your lips on my breasts." She smiled up at him. "I have dreamed of the moment we could touch like this. Do I shame myself in front of you?"

He laid her down, looking at her body from head to toe.

He moved down on her. so he was level with her plump sweet breasts that beckoned him so. "There is nothing shameful about loving someone. My eyes have touched you many times. And now your nipples invite me to suckle like Elan." He smiled at her. "God knew what he was doing to make such a woman."

"I invite you to have your fill. To please you is my desire. And I will do anything you wish me to. For your pleasure is mine."

"Just looking at you this way, pleases me. Being close, able to touch, taste and smell the scent of you." His eyes glittered into hers.

Slowly, he bent his head and covered one sweet breast with his soft warm lips. He was so gentle, his lips caressed her there, over and over, until they were raw, but she did not whimper, only moaned her pleasure. He suckled and kissed and as he did, he fondled the other that became instantly erect from his touches. Her nipples stood out as though beckoning him. She moaned softly at his ear as he pleasured her.

"Your lips warm me." She smiled, as her hands played with his hair.

"I must ask, will the milk flow if it kiss you there?"

"They should not, as I usually feel Elan's need of milk and only then do they drip. The way you kiss me there, is gentle and teasing, it should not flow."

"Good, I had to ask."

For a long time, he kissed and loved upon them, then he went lower, to her flat belly where his tongue explored her navel and tickled her, she giggled and enjoyed his exploration of her.

"Did your husband love you like this?" he asked.

"No," her eyes found his. "He took me, but he didn't make love to me. At first, I wanted him to make love with me, to assure me that I married well. But he never did. He took from me what I could give him. That is all. When an Indian takes many wives, he doesn't always make love, he would take what was offered and gives no pleasure. For it is his selfish pleasure he desires. Not all Indians are that way, but young, and handsome warriors are. They feed upon their needs first."

To her surprise Clay went lower then and looked at the dark hair that hid the sweet temptations of life and he smiled. "Thank you, God, for giving me such a lovely woman." He prayed. "I will treasure her all my days."

He reached to move her lovely legs apart, examining them, his hands going up and down them, then kissing them. Then he moved further down so he could examine the sweet secrets between her legs. His fingers parted her soft tender lips there, and he opened her to look upon the loveliness of womanhood. He could feel the heat from her body, and she was wet with needs. "You are beautiful here too, so warm and wet for me. You invite me to explore you."

"I am yours; you may do whatever pleases you." She murmured softly as her breathing became e

rratic when his head dipped to kiss her there. It was like no kiss she'd ever received. For no man had given her such a thorough loving as this.

"Oh… " She murmured. "I never dreamed it could feel so good."

Her warrior husband had taken what gratified him and left her wanting more, but not this man, this man wanted her in every way, and he sought to please her, more than himself.

But Clay was not unfeeling, she had known that instinctively. Clay meant to make love to all of her and to please her beyond her wildest dreams. She knew there coming together would be unforgettable, but she never dreamed of being loved so completely. She never dreamed of a lover who could turn her insides into an inferno. Who made her wet and hot and miserable without his touches? She craved him now, her hands clawing at his shoulders, pulling his hair, and moving her hips to greet his warm and loving lips. She could not get enough of this special touching. She needed him, needed those kisses. She urged him on as her eager hips met his loving mouth over and over, he tasted her, kissed her, his hot tongue scorching her with white hot desire.

When he touched the sweet core of her, she almost yelled the pleasure it gave her. "It is so beautiful, this coming together," She murmured. "I might die from the pleasure you give me."

She moved herself to be closer to his mouth, suddenly hungering for the tempting hot tongue that scorched her insides with needs and wants. She clawed him and moved in the most erotic ways to tempt and tease him. As his lips melted against her, his hands were busy making love to her sweet firm butt. She moaned aloud, trashing about with such needs she felt any moment she might explode from the pleasure he gave.

When he looked at the flush on her face, and the look in her eyes, he groaned. how could she have seduced him with the look in her eyes? He'd never seen a more beautiful woman in the throes of passion before, it set him on fire. But the pleasure he gave her spread over her face making her beam, she threw her head back, her body forward offering him all he wanted. The look of love in her eyes seduced him. The need became too strong, he thrust himself inside her now, and she gloried in their coming together. Passion too long denied, had them thrashing about wildly to be ever closer. He thrust himself as deeply as he could, and she sighed with such a contentment. She grabbed him closer, melding her body with his, moving her muscles to invite him inside her. The deeper he went the more pleasure he gave her.

His shaft was big and warm, and filled her such satisfaction, she invited him between her legs entwined with his, her hips meeting every thrust with such an eagerness that they were both sweating and panting for more.