She laid down beside him and the sky began to turn different colors as the sun rest heavy in the west now.
He turned to look at her face and saw her awe. "Hasn't anyone ever watched the stars at night with you, or a setting sun?"
"No, I guess I never took the time to enjoy it."
"Sasha there are many wonders of our country, that you should enjoy daily."
"I suppose so."
"You have laid your father to rest, and now, he's up there, watching you. He wants you to be happy. You can still talk to him Sasha, even your mother. You just have to be still and listen."
Sasha turned to look at him. "I suppose you are right."
"Sasha in the worst of times, there is always good things to be thankful for."
"Yes, I believe that."
"Aren't you worn out from traveling so far?" she asked.
"I'm tired but I like being with you." He stared at her a long moment. He watched how the fading sun caught wisps of her hair, and it shined. He reached for her hand and stared at it, entwined in his.
She glanced at him. "Why do you stare at me so?" she asked in a whisper.
"I like looking at my wife." He smiled. "I have thought about it, all the way back."
"You did?"
"Of course I did."
"I have thought a lot about our wedding," she said glancing around the seeing no one about.
"Yes," she swallowed hard. "And our talks back then, since you have been gone. You have asked about me, now I must ask about you. What would make you happy?"
"For the most part, I am very happy, Sasha. My people are at peace, my folks are still alive, and I have a beautiful wife."
"A wife that does not make love with you." She uttered the words carefully.
"Yes, that is true, but I am a patient man."
"You say you are, but you keep talking about children, and it makes me wonder. Would children make you happy."
He sat up and looked away. "When you love someone, you want all that love can offer. Yes, I want children, and I'm sorry you think I pressure you for them. Forgive me, I won't mention them again."
His voice had changed, and she frowned and sat up with him.
When he calmed down, he glanced at her. "I'm sorry, but it is hard sometimes loving someone that doesn't love you back! This was not a good idea, coming here."
"Wait!" she pulled his arm around so he would look at her.
"I-I do have feelings for you. I enjoy your kisses, I'm glad you came home. But… I know nothing of making love. I'm afraid I would disappoint you."
"You said you enjoyed my kisses, and you hadn't been kissed like that. Yet, you kiss back naturally. There is no lesson to it. Love means nothing more than responding to each other. But it takes two Sasha. Making love to someone who does not want it, is no good. Don't you see."
"You think I don't want to?" she asked incredulously.
He stared now with shock, "Do you?"