Page 52 of Stolen Heart

"That is a good plan."

"We'll try that first. I will need to watch her all the time to see when she leaves, so I may follow."

"You must be careful, although she's a woman, she lies and can deceive you. Do not trust her no matter what she says."

"I don't think me confronting her personally would be believable."

"She might confront you, if she spots you or thinks you are tricking her." Sasha told him. "She might even try to seduce you if she got close enough."

"What would she gain doing that?"

"To make a fool of you and of me."

His glance went from her head to her feet. "There is no way I would fall for her, Sasha. Every time I look at you, you are more beautiful to me. I told you, I will mate with only one woman, and that woman is you, my wife!" When she bowed her head, he added, "When you are ready."

She blushed. "When do we start spreading these rumors for her to worry with?" Sasha asked distracting him.

"In a day or two. I want to rest some and spends some time with you. Tonight I want to sit by the fire, relax, and just be close to you. Would that be alright?" he asked.

"Yes," she lost breath at the way he was looking at her.

He leaned the distance to kiss Sasha's sweet lips.

She returned the kiss, her arms going around his neck and pulling him to her and down on the blanket.

He was shocked at her eagerness to kiss.

The kiss went on and on and when he lifted his head he smiled, "I am glad you missed me so. So did I." he whispered. "I'm sorry I wasn't here for you when your father died."

"It was hard to lay him to rest, but he had a long and good life, I mean most of it." She refl


"I am glad, did he go in his sleep?"

"Yes, it was a restful, and peaceful death, I think." Sasha said as a tear fell on her cheek.

Chapter Fifteen

"Let's go for a walk," he suggested after he ate.

"A walk?" she asked surprised he wanted to get out since his long ride home.

"Yes, the setting sun is something to see." He said.


He took her hand and a blanket, and they walked outside. The camp was peaceful. Not many were about, a few kids played a game with a stick, others had a turtle race.

Sasha saw them and smiled.

Black Wolf bent toward her, "You like children, don’t you?"

"Yes, of course." She nodded.

"Me too." He said with a sigh.

But he pulled her along the rocky edges of a cliff that overhung the camp. There he spread the blanket out and he lay down. She watched with fascination. "Come and lay down, we will watch the sun set and the stars come out."