Page 51 of Stolen Heart

His glance fastened on her now, particularly her lips.

"She can hurt you physically, and because she's pregnant, thinks she can get away with it. I will do anything to protect you and Nakota's family. We must do whatever it takes to get her to leave."

"You and my brother have grown close, have you not?"

"Yes," Black Wolf smiled, "we have, he is like a brother to me. Like you, I liked him right away." He glanced around to see some meat. "I am starving."

She jumped up and went to heat him food. "I will fix you something. Rest now. I know you must be tired. You've had a long journey."

As he sat on the blanket and waited, he watched her every move. Just watching her move about was a pleasure he indulged in. She had no idea how badly he wanted to make her his.

"If making her jealous does not work, we must make her very uncomfortable here." He was telling her as she brought him some food.

"Have you eaten?" he asked.

"Yes, just a bit ago, go ahead, eat all you want." She encouraged.

"You made a deer steak for me?"

"I wanted to see if I could do it as well as you." She smiled.

He ate and shot her an approving glance, "You learn quickly."

"I'm glad you are pleased."

"Did she hurt you in any way when you went to speak with her?"

"No. She would not do anything to upset the people right now, as most won't even speak to her. But her weakness is jealousy. I can't imagine why. She is a beautiful woman. If I were that beautiful, I would never be jealous."

He reached then to tilt her chin up. "You are more beautiful than any setting sun I have seen, any mountain, and stream. And," he added with a smile. "Any other woman."

She swallowed hard. "No one has ever said these words to me."

"Then I am glad that I am the first to say them." He smiled.

His mere words lit a small fire in her. But she tried to concentrate on Naomie.

"Jealousy can bring anyone down."

"Yes, I suppose it can. You and Nakota have worked out a plan?" Sasha asked as she sat beside him now.

"Yes, she'll go to him the first chance she gets. But we have to plant doubts in her head that they are closing in on him. That your brother is mad enough to kill him on site or something. He has probably told her not to come for a while, but we must make her go somehow."

"Then I know what will send her running to him."

"Oh, and what is that?" Black Wolf asked, enjoying his meal and yet still holding her hand with one hand.

"Another woman, of course." Sasha suggested.

"Yes," Black Wolf smiled. "That would work, that is a good idea. But how could you convince her?"

Sasha chuckled. "It is easy. You must plant the seed of doubt in her. It takes another woman to set the trap. We must get out among the people and spread gossip that he has found favor with a Sioux beauty." Sasha chuckled. "You see she told me that Big Knife wanted to marry us both at the same time. So she would believe he might find another wife. And we could make this imaginary woman out to be very lovely."

"I think that angle might be best then." Black Wolf agreed.

"No matter what story we tell, we must be close enough to her, for her to hear it. Then she will sneak out and go to him."

"Yes, I agree. Nakota has men all over the mountain now, ready for her return. My braves are with him too."