Page 31 of Uncovering GigaByte

“And I’m sure you have a lot of experience,” Hunter accused.

“More than you, unless you’re talking about the audio series you did last year. I have to say, Hunter, you look nothing like your voice sounds.”

Okay, maybe that wasn’t necessarily the truth. His voice was smooth when he wanted it to be, and pure gravel and seductive when needed. She could see both personas in him, at least on a physical evaluation. He was tall, probably close to six foot if she was to guess. His eyes were a golden brown. Byte wondered if they changed depending on what he wore. His hair was the perfect blend of light and dark. She had to believe the highlights were natural. Hunter Higgins didn’t seem the sort to have his hair professionally styled. Ironically, she could’ve passed him on the street and never given him a second look. He didn’t seem to pose a threat. She’d imagine he’d take his dates to a nice restaurant, perhaps a rom-com movie, and then walk her up to her door and leave a kiss on her cheek. She couldn’t see him playing games either. If he liked the girl, he’d call her immediately and not wait for three days to pass. If only he wasn’t a pain in her butt… Besides, he wasn’t her type. At least she didn’t think he was, but how would she know considering she’d never dated.

And you’re not here to date him, either, she scolded herself.

“And you look exactly how I’d picture a criminal to look,” Hunter snapped.

“Ah, man, Hunter. That was just not cool,” Kyle said.

“Don’t worry about it, K-Dude. I imagine your brother hasn’t seen someone like me before,” Byte admitted. “I bet you only hang out with former college bunnies or maybe straitlaced, high-strung women. You’d never know what to do with a woman like me.”

“Woman?” Hunter scoffed. “What are you, sixteen?”

Byte was used to people not believing her age. Her height deficiency played a large role in their guess; however, she didn’t believe that was the case with Hunter. He was basing her age on her occupation, thinking only a child would be involved in such a criminal profession.

“Aren’t you so cute, teller of tales. If you must know, I’m twenty-one and while my style might not be to your taste, it’s mine… not yours, so get over yourself.”

“Teller of tales?” Kyle asked.

“She’s saying I’m a narrator,” Hunter answered.

“Nice!” Kyle replied.

Hunter just shook his head in disbelief. His brother had lost his mind. None of them were taking their situation serious, which he told them.

“You worry too much. My people will find me,” Byte reassured.

“Yeah, like when they found me and Hunter the other night.”

“That was all their doing. I didn’t ask them to scare you.”

“We weren’t scared,” Kyle denied.

Byte looked at Hunter, unable to hold back her giggle. Of course they’d been scared, and rightly so, but Byte wasn’t going to call out the teen on his stance.

“Well, I’m sure they are looking for me as we speak.”

“A group of hackers. How is that going to help us?” Hunter asked.

“They aren’t hackers. My friends are assassins.”

Byte let that bomb settle and then snickered when she saw the moment her words sunk in for Hunter. Instead of speaking, he mouthed “assassins” in disbelief. If their situation wasn’t what it was, she would’ve bragged about ALIAS, but their situation was critical even if she didn’t let on. She’d been on the other side of many kidnappings, and she knew captors made rash decisions all the time… decisions they couldn’t always come back from.

“Anyway, what I’m trying to tell you is that we won’t be here much longer.”

Just after she’d said that, the door swung back open and in walked someone Byte immediately recognized. Someone her team was trying to pull out of a dangerous situation. But was ATF Special Agent Skylar Hines really in danger, or was she setting a trap for ALIAS and ECP?

“Well, I didn’t expect to see you here,” Byte said before thinking. As far as the agent knew, her cover hadn’t been blown… Byte might have just done it.

“Byte,” Skylar said in warning.

“You two know each other?” Roberto asked.

“Obviously,” Byte smarted.

Before any physical harm could come to Byte, Skylar stepped in.