Page 30 of Uncovering GigaByte

It took only seconds for him to wave his hand, Byte’s arm to be released, and a Cheshire grin to grow in Byte’s face as if to say ‘Told ya.’

She might not have been taught how to withstand physical torture, but she was the queen at playing with her psychological strengths. She might only be five foot nothing physically, but mentally, she was six foot and bulletproof.


The first thing Byte noticed when the bully shoved her into a different room and locked the door, was the gorgeous man tied to the chair. The second was the teen right beside him.

“I’m assuming you are Kyle and Hunter.”

“Oh my God! It’s you!”

“Kyle, it is most definitely me.”

“And who is that?” Hunter asked.

“GigaByte,” Kyle said, at the same time she answered, “Byte.”

Hunter looked her up and down, as if trying to assess what was so important about her that they’d kidnapped him and his brother.

“And you’re the reason we’re here,” Hunter stated.

“No… Kyle is the reason you’re here.”

“I doubt that. Had he not foolishly taken on the job of finding you, someone else would have. Therefore, you are the reason we’ve been taken.”

Byte hated word plays, but it seemed she’d have to set Hunter straight.

“No. I’m here because of my own deeds. You and Kyle are here because the enticement of finding me was greater than the risks.”

“It’s semantics.”

“No. It’s accuracy.”

Hunter already knew he didn’t like the hacker. He’d formed that opinion days earlier when she’d sent her people to scare them. Now, he had a face to put with his dislike. Granted, she had a beautiful face, or it would be without those blue lips.

“You’re so cool,” Kyle said in reverence.

“Thanks, bud. I have to say, I’m pretty impressed with your skills. Many have tried to find me, but you’ve been the closest thus far.”

“Too close if you ask me,” Hunter mumbled.

“Right! It’s awesome.”

“Kyle, none of this is awesome. Not only did you conjure up some criminal, whom you seem to have idol worship over, but you’ve involved your family. Oh, and don’t forget about the biker dudes downstairs.”

“Bikers?” Byte asked Hunter.

“Yeah, you know, motorcycles.”

“I know what bikers mean, you goof. I’m asking how you know these guys are part of a biker’s club.”

“Oh, we saw some of them,” Kyle interjected.

“But the man I spoke to didn’t seem like the typical president.”

“Wouldn’t you say that’s stereotyping? Do you think all bikers look rough and tough?” Hunter didn’t know why he was engaging the woman, but something about her made him lash out.

“Well, yes, that’s been my experience,” Byte sniped.