Page 50 of Uncovering Voodoo

“Anyone else?”

“Violet. She never stops crying. She’s always talking about her parents and why they didn’t love her. But I know why.”

“And why didn’t they love her?”

“Oh, they tried, but I made sure to stop them from hurting Violet. It wasn’t right what they were doing to her, so I killed them.”

A collective gasp was heard. Vanessa—no, Venom—had murdered her parents.

“Did I surprise you?”

Byte shook her head. Nothing surprised her anymore, well, maybe other than watching someone have a schizophrenic break.

“Is that when you came?”

“My birthday is on the anniversary of their death. Ironic, isn’t it?”

“She’s nuts,” Byte whispered to Seven.

“She’s sick,” he answered back. “A lot sicker than we knew.”

“Do you want to know why I forced Vanessa to try to kill you?” Venom asked. “She’s such a fool! She couldn’t even do that right. Three times she tried and three times she failed.”

“She wanted Carter, and I was in the way.”

“You’re a smart one... way too smart for that one,” he said gesturing toward Carter.

“Probably so, but why try to kill him?”

“Because he wouldn’t leave you. She’d finally broken down and asked for help. She believed he’d leave you once he discovered you’d been poisoning him, only he didn’t.”

“So she wasn’t trying to kill him?” Ghost asked.

“No, and I couldn’t let Vanessa kill herself... which she felt like doing. Sadly, it would’ve killed me too. So, I did what I always did... I fixed the problem... that was until he found you.”

“Was it you who threw my sister over the bridge?”

“It sure wasn’t any of the others.”

“So, now we know the whole truth, what’s next? Is Vanessa going to return and arrest me? Or perhaps, you are all going to walk away and quit trying to kill me,” Voodoo said

“And trust that no one in this room wouldn’t come after me? Not likely.” Vanessa pulled her service weapon out and pointed it at Voodoo.

“I didn’t want to do this with a room full of people, but you’ve given me no choice. I will be walking out of here, a free man. Vanessa will be the physical shell, but I will remain in control. Once I kill Carter, she’ll be useless anyway.”

“And you think we’re going to let that happen?” Seven asked.

“I know the odds. I don’t think the blue monkey over there is carrying, but I’m sure the rest of you are. Get over here,” he demanded Byte to move.

“Yeah, not happening.”

“Get over here or I’ll shoot her,” Venom said, pointing at Voodoo.

“Don’t do it, Byte,” Voodoo ordered.

Byte had spent the better part of her life without friends, and in a system that was broken beyond repair. After meeting Ivy, Voodoo, then Ghost, she’d found her family, and it continued to grow. She couldn’t stand by and watch the psycho shoot her friend.

“No!” Ivy screamed when Byte walked toward Vanessa with her hands up.