Page 51 of Uncovering Voodoo

Seven had his gun safely hidden under the conference table. He figured the others did too. He’d been told it would be a short debrief, followed by holding Vanessa until the Feds could arrive. What was happening was like nothing the team had expected.

“Shut up!” Venom demanded as he wrapped his arm around Byte’s throat, much as he had Chaos’ the night before.

Byte had taken some self-defense classes, but not enough to feel confident she could get away unharmed with a gun against her temple.

“You don’t want to shoot her,” Ghost calmly stated.

“You’re right. She’s not my target, but she will stop you from shooting me until I finish what I came to do.”

Vanessa swung her gun over toward Carter and Voodoo. “I’ve been debating which one to kill. I know I’ll only have one shot. You will overpower me and not allow me to fire the second bullet. What do you say, little blue? Should I kill Voodoo or Carter?”

“Carter, of course.”

“Byte!” Ghost and Ivy yelled.

“What?” she asked. “I don’t have any ties to him. Besides, didn’t he bring all this to our front door? If he’d just stayed away, none of us would be here, and Daisy wouldn’t be in the hospital. So, yeah, my vote is Carter.”

“Thanks,” Carter dryly retorted.

“No problem, dude.”

Aria was trying to hold back a snicker. Nothing about the situation was funny, but she was still getting acclimated to the team, and Byte was like no one she’d ever met before. She’d also been known to giggle during highly stressful situations. That wasn’t always a good thing as a spy, but it wasn’t in her control.

Venom obviously agreed with her vote and aimed his gun at Carter’s center mass.

“Don’t do this,” Voodoo warned.

“Wasn’t your life easier when he left you alone?” Venom asked.

Voodoo said nothing.

“Well, I’m going to help you figure out where Carter fits into your life,” Venom said as he pulled the trigger. Only at the last minute, the hand holding the gun shot up, shooting the bullet into the ceiling.

“What the heaven and hell?” Byte said after Vanessa dropped her arm from around her neck, allowing Byte to back away.

“I couldn’t let him do it,” Vanessa cried.

“He couldn’t kill you. I have to kill him instead,” Vanessa said as she placed the muzzle to her temple.

“Woah Nessa. You can get rid of Venom without hurting yourself,” Carter pleaded.

“No, I can’t. I’ve tried. He’s stronger than me… than all of us.”

“But you are in control right now,” Ivy stated.

“It’s all three of us working together.”

“Then do that. All three of you need to fight Venom. Don’t let him have control any longer,” Voodoo urged.

“I’m sorry we tried to kill you, Gwen. I tried to stop Venom when he put the bomb on the plane. He shouldn’t have killed all those people. But you wouldn’t die, and you wouldn’t leave Carter. I don’t understand why you stayed if you believed your husband was trying to kill you.”

“I’ve asked myself that question for a long time, and I guess deep down I had doubts, until the plane. Then I knew I had to run.”

Ivy interrupted the conversation, asking for specifics about the bomb. “How did you get a bomb on the plane undetected?”

Venom returned and scoffed. “Her badge gets me into a lot of secure places. It didn’t take much convincing for the steward to load the baby stroller the poor mother couldn’t push while carrying her baby.”

“You put the bomb in a stroller!” Carter asked.