Page 59 of Worth the Risk

“Hudson,” she returns my authoritarian tone.

“I don’t like this avoidance. I’ve been patient, but now is the time to rip the band-aid off and tell April. Besides, I want to see you more outside of our bubble. Soon, I won’t be at Lake Spark as much.”

Her lips quirk out, and she seems sad by that thought. “I’ll miss it here.”

“Using me for my house,” I joke.

She playfully pushes my shoulder. “I like it here. The home you built, the man who lives here. When I’m here with you, it’s our own little world.”

“We get to have the whole world as ours if you speed up the avoidance of truth with my niece issue. And my house is your house, so use it even if I’m away.”

Her eyes turn appreciative. “Thank you, and I hear what you’re saying about April. I just wanted to give her time, nor did I want to flaunt my romantic life to her when her own combusted.”

Another reason that I can’t seem to be angry, only annoyed. Piper has a heart of gold and doesn’t want to hurt her best friend. But in the process, I’m drowning in limbo and it’s no fun.

“Soon, Piper,” I nearly chide.

“I hear you. I promise.”

“Good, because I told the team publicist to expect you at some of our events and games,” I inform her confidently.

“W-what?” she nearly shrieks.

A cocky smirk tilts on the corner of my mouth. “You heard me.”

Her face lightens gently, and she glances at her fingers drawing circles against my chest. “It’s a big deal, Hudson. It puts me in the public eye, and I’m not used to that.” There’s more to it, I hear it in her voice, but I don’t press.

“I respect that, but that is kind of what you sign up for when you’re with me.” I lean down to kiss her fingers.

“You keep your son out of the press,” she is quick to remind me.

“True. But it’s easier. The press is a little too eager to know my romantic life. Hell, if I have to stand through another photo shoot for a bachelor coach article then I may have to punish you for that,” I say in an attempt to lighten the mood.

Piper rolls her eyes. “How about we save this talk for tomorrow when we’re not as tired?”

I study her for a second, and she has a valid point because my eyes desperately want to close. “Sure.”

“You can slide into me whenever you want,” she offers with a mischievous sly grin.

We both begin to shuffle around to get comfortable for the night. “That is some offer. You know I may just take you up on it at 4:55 in the morning before my alarm goes off.”

“Sounds like a perfect way to wake up.”

We both lie on our sides and face one another, her leg hooking over my hip and our hands resting on one another.

“Everything is perfect when I’m with you,” I faintly whisper.

Her lips twitch which informs me that the statement affected her. “Can’t argue with that.”

For tonight, that’s enough.

* * *

Walking out onto the field,I notice the group congregating near the twenty-yard line, a mix of football players in practice uniforms and women all cooing in a circle. I glance up at the stands, as we now have open practices which means fans can watch, and in this very moment, they’re all standing and taking photos.

“What in the world is going on?” I ask Arnold who is by my side. It was lunch break for an hour, but we just ate in my office to discuss the team.

Arnold smiles and tips his head in the direction of the group. “Jefferson’s wife had a baby the other week, remember? Even scheduled the induction on our day off.” My eyes go wide, as that is some commitment, although not the first time that I heard of a player’s wife doing that if the stork decides to deliver a baby during season. “His wife must have brought the baby to visit.”