Page 60 of Worth the Risk

That explains why everyone seems to be in a good mood. Often, players have their partners or family watching practice or stopping by. Jesus, Smith’s wife drives me crazy when she stops by without fail to kiss her husband, take a selfie, and post it online. Mostly because I seriously doubt her intentions of real love and wonder if she is more interested in the fame.

But truthfully, I know there is a twinge of jealousy inside of me that a twenty-four-year-old linebacker gets something that I don’t—a romantic relationship. I glance toward the parking lot, and disappointment flickers inside my stomach because Piper didn’t stop by. In reality, it’s probably for the best because it was a tight window of time and I needed to work anyhow. But even a kiss would have given me a little extra energy and pep.

Arnold and I walk toward the group. I hear someone call outCoach Arrows is here. For some reason my name causes everyone to step back to create a path and grow quiet, as if I’m the boogeyman. My path lands me in the middle of the circle with everyone’s eyes on me, or at least I feel them, but I’m staring only at one player in uniform and light pads holding a tiny squishy baby.

Jefferson looks up at me nervously. “Oh hey, Coach.”

I smile with ease and hope it reassures him that I’m not the devil. “Your son?”

“Yeah. Getting him into the game early.”

I turn my attention to his side, to his wife who’s wearing one of those carrier things. “Congratulations.”

The petite blonde woman who looks slightly tired smiles. “Thank you. We’ll get out of everyone’s hair now.”

I look down at my watch and see that we should be starting, as we have a strict schedule and a long afternoon ahead of us, but I can’t bring myself to be a hard-ass. “It’s okay, we’ll start in five minutes.”

Jefferson’s smile grows wide.

Leaving everyone to it, I head away from the group to the table on the sidelines. That short walk is enough time for me to question my soft demeanor that just happened. I normally reserve it for my private life. I’m changing, probably because I feel like these same moments that my players, my son, hell, most of the world get are now within my reach.

Doesn’t mean I will go easy on them during practice, though. I’m going to make these guys work damn hard, with a completely selfish motive to let us off a little early tonight so I can finish my discussion with Piper.

* * *

Piper looksup from the glass of water she just poured from the fridge dispenser. I’m home early, although I will need to watch footage of the practice later in my office. I texted Piper when I was in the car.

“Want me to attempt to cook? I started to make snacks.” She walks to me, oblivious that I’m agitated. It’s only when she attempts to kiss me and I don’t put in the effort to kiss back that she senses my mood. “Everything okay?”

I shake my head gently as our eyes meet in a tense stare. “No. We need to talk.”

She tips her head back, with her smile now faltering, but keeps her arms looped around my neck. “What's wrong?”

“I'm done waiting. I need to know that you're ready to move forward, no more stalling. I know you want to, but I can't figure out why exactly you're hesitating.” I unhook her arms from around my neck and hold her wrists gently up to keep her in my hold.

“What do you mean?”

I snicker. “I'm done running around like we're a secret. If you can't make the jump, then what are we doing?”

“Hudson,” she sighs.

“Don't do that. Don't come up with excuses. We both know that what we have is more than what either of us thought would happen the night we met.” I yank her closer, drop her wrists, then weave my hands into her hair. There is passion in my movement, and Piper draws in a breath as a response. “I’m not going to wait; my patience is wearing thin. I want you by my side no matter where we are. You're driving me crazy, you're always on my mind, and when you're here, I just want more and more. I think I've warned you that I'm a man who jumps right in, but I only jump in when it’s right.”

Her eyes are almost pleading. “I'm going to tell April, okay.”

“Great. But there's more for us, I need more commitment. I want you cheering for me on the sidelines, visiting me on breaks so I can fuck you in my office or car. Let me meet your grandmother and tell me what you see in our future when you’re lying in my arms.” I hear the vulnerability in my voice.

I continue my explanation of what’s going on in my head. “You feel it inside of yourself that you want us, but you can’t say the words that you’re all in.” I walk her backward until her back hits the edge of the wall. I let her wrists go and kiss her hard until she murmurs while she fists the fabric of my shirt at my chest. I kiss the corner of her mouth then speak against her lips. “I’m going to give you an ultimatum, but I don’t believe I need to. You know how I know you want us?”

“Enlighten me,” she rasps with her eyes drawing a line up and down my body.

I step between her knees to part her legs open while our foreheads touch, and I sneak my fingers up her thighs and under her skirt. “You let me come inside of you and I know you’re not on birth control.” My fingers dive into her panties to touch her soft heat, already wet. Her face looks panicked as if she has been caught out. “I’m not mad, baby, I could have stopped us, and I didn’t.” I don’t break our connection and the tips of our noses touch.

“I haven’t done it intentionally, I just… I can’t explain it. Sorry, I should be more care-”

“Shh.” I kiss her lips and continue to stroke her pussy. “Your body already knows what you want before your thoughts catch up. It takes two, and I’m a selfish man who wants to fill you up, and I don’t care if you get pregnant, so I’m not going to sayweshould be careful. Hell, I’m not getting any younger, and the thought of you pregnant with my child is something I envision. But the point is that you wouldn’t take the risk unless you have the trust and felt it was worth it. Tell me I’m wrong.”

Piper frantically shakes her head as her fingers fumble with my jeans. “I can’t. You’re right. I trust whatever is happening between us.” Her head falls forward and rests against my shoulder.