“It was supposed to be temporary,” I admit, looking down at my feet, shame washing through me. “We weren’t supposed to be here this long. I guess part of me was hoping for a miracle. Maybe William would come back and save us or—”
“Ava,” he interrupts, nudging my side. “You forget we live next door. My dad works full-time and only has me to worry about, and that’s all he can afford. There’s nothing wrong with where we live, and that’s not what I was getting at. I just meant that… I don’t know. I thought there’d be pictures on the walls or something.”
Not in here, I don’t say. “Of what? All my imaginary friends?”
He sighs, rubs his eye with the heel of his palm. “Rhys is your friend.”
“Rhys feels sorry for me.”
“Karen misses you.”
I can’t help the flash of jealousy that knots my stomach. “You talk to Karen?”
“I mean, sometimes. I talked to her tonight.”
My voice cracks when I ask, “About me?”
He settles his hand on my leg, and I can’t help but think that his guilt put it there. “She asked about you. About us. And I told her how much I love you.”
His answer is perfect. Too perfect. My old insecurities come back to me, and I swallow the lump in my throat.
“Ava,” he says through a sigh. “What’s wrong?”
I don’t look up when I answer, “Nothing.”
He sighs again, this one heavier. “Are you mad that I went out tonight?”
“Because I needed it, Ava. I need to get the guys on my side so I can… I’ve just been under a lot of stress, and I just wanted a night out, but the whole time I was there, all I wanted was to be with you, and now I’m here and...”
And I couldn’t even be there for him if I wanted to. I’m not able to carry his stress like he carries my pain. I turn to him. “I’m sorry I haven’t been there.”
“I don’t expect you to be, Ava.” Even though he said it so matter-of-fact, so innocently… the truth behind those few words shatters any dignity I have left. He adds, “I told you I don’t want anything more from you than you, and I meant it.”
But it’s not enough anymore.
And maybe I’m not enough.
He shifts, getting more comfortable on my bed. His back to the wall, he pats his lap. “Come here.”
I ignore the blinding ache in my chest and move to him, straddling his lap.
His hands settle on my thighs while mine go to his shoulders. “I came here for my goodnight kiss, remember?”
Nodding, I close my eyes, hide my doubt, and press my lips to his. His mouth opens, wanting more, and so I give him what he wants. It doesn’t take long for his hands to wander, first to my butt, then my breasts, under my top. His kisses move down, down, down, while his hands move up, up, up taking my tank with him. I do the same with him, our bare chests pressed together as he holds me to him, shifts us until I’m underneath him and he’s between my legs. He starts to unbutton his jeans and then unzip his fly, and if this is what he came here for… if this is what he wants from me… I’ll give it to him. It’s the least he deserves, the least I can do. I roll us until he’s on his back and make fast work of removing his shoes, then his jeans. I kiss his stomach and move lower to the smattering of hair just above his boxer shorts. His hands find the back of my head, fingers curled, and I pull down on the waistband and don’t waste any time. I take him in my mouth, taste him, feel his thighs tense beneath my touch. He whispers my name, and I should feel something… aroused or dominant or desired, but I don’t.
I feel like a whore.
The sudden sound of glass breaking has us pulling apart. I rush for my top at the same time he quickly covers himself. “Stay here,” I tell him, throwing my top back on. I run out of the room, switching on lights, my heart thumping against my chest.
Not again.
Not again.
Not again.
I check the living room and kitchen, but they’re empty. Trevor’s out of his room, and his panic matches mine. I open Mom’s door. She’s on the floor, shards of glass around her. “Mama!” I scream, and she looks up, points to her foot.