Page 105 of Heartache Duet


“What happened?” I rush out, moving in on her.

“I knocked over the glass,” she deadpans. “Stepped on it.” There’s no life in her words or her eyes.

I glare at Trevor and shout, “Why the hell is there glass in her room?!”

He rears back. “I must’ve left it there when I gave her the meds earlier. Shit, Ava, I don’t know.”

“You know she can’t be around this!” I say, dropping to my knees, ignoring the blood pooling around her. There’s so much. Too much. Memories flood my brain and I try to push them away, but they’re too strong. Too forceful. “How could you do that!” I scream at him.

“It was an accident!” he shouts back.

“Stop yelling!” Mom says, covering her ears. She starts to rock back and forth, and I try to settle my breathing, try to calm myself down. But I can’t.

“You can’t have accidents with her, Trevor! You know you can’t!” Tears fall, fast and free, and I open her drawer, pull out whatever I can find to stop the bleeding. I press it to her foot, and she screams, kicks my hands off of her.

“Get away!” she yells, a terror in her voice that has my pulse escalating. I glance at Trevor, and he feels it, too.

“I need to check your foot. There might be glass!”

She kicks my chest and screams, “GET AWAY FROM ME!” And then she looks up, her eyes wide and focused on my doorway. “Who are you?” she breathes out, fear and horror etched on her face.

Connor’s in the doorway, his eyes huge. He opens his mouth, but nothing comes out.

“Get away!” She kicks me again. “Go! Go! Go!”

Ignoring Connor, I grab at Mom’s foot, blocking her kicks, and now Trevor’s on the floor behind her, pinning down her arms. “Connor, a little help!”

Connor steps into the room, alarm evident in his voice. “What can I do?”

I’m still wrestling with Mom’s legs when Trevor orders, “Hold her legs down.”

“I don’t want to hurt her,” Connor says, panicked.

“Just do it, Connor!” I plead.

He drops to his knees in front of me and wraps his arms around her legs, holding them together.

Liquid crimson on my hands, I hold on to Mom’s foot, but I can’t see through the blood. “I can’t see!” I cry out.

“Get off of me!” Mom thrashes, trying to get out of all our holds.

Distressed, Trevor says, “We need to call—”

“My dad,” Connor cuts in, phone on the floor, on speaker, already dialing.

His dad answers on the first ring, and Connor says, “I need you at Ava’s.”

“I’ll be right there.”

For the few minutes it takes to hear the sirens approaching, the only one who speaks is my mom, mumbling words in a language only she understands. Trevor and Connor keep their hold on her while she thrashes around, screaming, then whispering, over and over. Outside, dogs bark, and inside… inside is the world at its darkest, and there’s no magic in sight.

I look down at my hands, at the blood dripping from my fingers, and the only thing I can think is… at least she’s breathing this time.

I take over holding down Mom’s legs while Connor opens the door for his dad and his partner to enter. As soon as they see us, they get down on the floor. Mom screams again, “Get away from me! Don’t touch me! Don’t touch me! Don’t touch me!” She’s thrashing around again, harder this time, and I’m too weak… too fucking powerless.

“I think there might be glass in her foot, but I can’t… I can’t…” I am empty. Void. Running on hopes and dreams that are entirely unattainable.