“Mother’s seeing that writer, I’ve just discovered.”

My breath returned to normal. I was expecting something more dramatic, going on his darkish tone.

Theadora joined us and hugged me.

“Oh, is that all?” I sniffed. “They were just having breakfast by the pool when I left.”

“He stayed the night?” Declan frowned.

I pulled a face. “They’ve been together since Ethan’s birthday.”

“Shit.” He puffed.

I opened out my hands. “What’s the issue? Mum’s a grown-up. I’m sure she knows what she’s doing.”

“We just don’t know this guy. And can you imagine a Lovelace with a Lovechilde? Just the surnames alone make me question this alliance.”

I laughed. “You make it sound political. I think it’s cute. Anyway, Mother’s smiling. That’s all that counts. And who says they’re going to marry?”

“Our mother’s a stickler for tradition.”

“Whatever.” I shrugged. “I like him.”

Theadora popped Julian down in his little chair and positioned a laptop in front of him. She wore an apologetic smile. “It’s his first time today.”

Declan smiled lovingly at his wife before explaining, “When visitors come, we let him stare at screens. Otherwise, he runs wild.”

“Oh, the joys of parenthood.” I chuckled.

Declan stared down at his watch. “I’ve got to go.”

He leaned in and kissed Theadora and then Julian, lost to the screen, peering at a flying pig.

After Declan left us, I turned to Theadora. “What am I going to do about the tape?”

“I’d involve the police.”

“But then he’ll show it around and I’ll be ruined.” I knitted my fingers. “I’d hate Carson to see it.”

“If anyone will understand, it’s Carson. He’s the most nonjudgmental person I know. You shouldn’t deny yourself a relationship that makes you happy.”

I sighed. “I know. Only he’ll see me differently.” My voice cracked, and tears soaked my cheeks. I loved hearing Carson describe me as a goddess. Would he still see me like that on learning of that tape’s content?

Theadora wore a sympathetic smile. “He’s a good man. And he’s besotted, by the sounds of it. I’m sure you can get through this.”

“He doesn’t want to be with me while I’m hanging out with Bram. Which is understandable, I guess.”

“Then you must tell him. You don’t want to lose him, do you?”

I shook my head emphatically.

I can’t lose the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time. If ever.

AfterleavingTheadora,Iwalked back to Merivale, trying to figure out a way to tell Carson about the sex tape.

A car parked outside the gates of Merivale piqued my curiosity. When I got closer, I recognised Cary talking to a woman who looked upset. Unable to walk away, I snuck behind a tree and then caught them hugging.

My heart sank. This was not what I wanted for my mother. She’d been so cheery since meeting Cary. I’d even heard her singing, and my serious mother didn’t normally even hum.