He kissed her on the cheek and then jumped out of the car. He even looked around before heading back to the hall.

I leaned against the tree, my heart racing.

Not another drama.

Not for my poor mother. I couldn’t stand it. She’d been through so much. And while she might have jumped into this relationship a little hastily, as a passionate woman who’d fallen hard, I got it.

Instead of going inside to avoid running into Cary, who might then know he’d been spotted, I headed for the duck pond.

I sat on a wooden bench and sighed at a pair of stunning black swans. The pretty sight gave me a chance to pause for a moment and marvel at nature. As the elegant creatures slid effortlessly over the shimmering pond, I forgot about sex tapes and cheating partners.

Snapping back to reality, I pulled out my phone and called Ethan.

“Hey, Sav, what’s up?”

“Are you at Merivale or London?”

“I’m about to fly to Paris. Lovechildes is about to launch. You will come to the party? You got the details?”

“I did.”

“Don’t sound so enthusiastic. Are you shitty about the designer?”

“How can I be? Pierre Justine is only the most sought-after in the industry. I’m not that silly. I’m on the board, after all.”

He chuckled. “So what’s up?”

“I just saw Cary in a car outside Merivale, cosying up to a woman.”

“Right? He was there at the house?”

“He’s been here since your birthday. He hasn’t left.”

“You’re fucking kidding me. And you were going to tell me when?”

“You were at Salon’s opening. Mum was there with him, looking all loved up. You couldn’t have missed that.”

“I didn’t know they’d shacked up, though.”

I exhaled. “So do I tell Mum? She has a right to know.”

“Too right, she should know.”

“I’m shit at this. I need someone to hold my hand. She’s been through so much, and now this guy—who’s made her happier than I’ve ever seen her—has got a fucking secret.”

“They’ve all got secrets, Sav. Just how bad, is the question.”

“True.” I paused. “Maybe I’ll wait until Declan’s here. I’m off to London tomorrow and then Paris for the opening.”

“Don’t bring Bram, please.”

“What can I do? He’ll want to come. How can I get out of that?”

“Bring Carson. Employ him as your bodyguard. And in the meantime, let Declan deal with Lord Pike and see if he can get his son to remove the tape. Yep?”

That was the best plan I’d heard all day. Especially the bit about Carson as my bodyguard.

“That sounds good. I’ll try to keep Paris a secret. Bram’s the last person I want tagging along.”