He wrapped his little arms around his mother’s legs, and I couldn’t stop smiling. If ever I needed a poster for domestic harmony, I’d found that in Declan and Theadora’s home.

After mother and child left, I settled onto a leather sofa, crossed my legs, and stretched out my arms. One could take up lots of space in that room.

“Your mother has asked me to head security for the casino. I thought I’d run it by you.”

“That doesn’t surprise me.” He raked his fingers through his hair.

“You sound pissed off.”

He sighed and walked over to the window. “Ethan and I are pretty pissed off about it.” He shook his head. “A fucking casino. Can you imagine?”

I shrugged. “A classy place that facilitates money laundering. But hey, I’m sure it will attract a decent clientele.”

“Not with Crisp behind it.”

I revisited that ugly and intrusive moment with him and a girl young enough to be his granddaughter. Manon wasn’t exactly playing the role of a shrinking violet, either.

“About Reboot,” he said. “I was hoping you might consider the role of CEO again.”

“That sounds like a big role. I mean, I was fine with the lads, but with the commercial side of things, I wouldn’t know where to start.”

“I have nothing but faith in you. I just need you to make sure the operation runs smoothly by appointing the right staff and overseeing the budget. You’re the captain of the ship, so to speak. Name your price, and the gig’s yours.”

“I’d be taking over from you, then?”

He nodded. “I’d like to focus on the organic farm and market, and I’m also about to volunteer for Air rescue. Love the idea of flying and helping where I can.” He pulled a tight smile.

“Theadora okay with that?”

“She wasn’t exactly jumping for joy when I told her.”

“You’d risk all of this? And you’ve got a family. Those light aircraft can be rather dangerous.”

“I’ve volunteered my plane, which is well maintained, and I’ll avoid electrical storms, and only if they’re down on pilots.”

That new role would help me save for an apartment, I thought. “Sure. I can do it. Thanks for thinking of me.”

“You were there from the start. You were always going to be my first choice.” He fiddled with a telescope.

“That’s a pretty big lens,” I said.

“You can see the rings of Saturn on a clear night.”

I smiled. Declan was a big kid at heart. That’s why I liked him. One always forgot he was a billionaire except for when he was dishing out the cash.

“I guess that means no moonlighting as head of security for the casino, then?”

He wiped the telescope lens. “It’s a night gig. If you’re up to it, I won’t stop you.” He looked at me. “Do you need the extra work?”

“I could use the dough, for sure. I’d like to get into my own place and clear a few bills.”

“You know that I’m always here if you need money,” he said.

“Thanks, mate. I’m right.” I smiled tightly. Declan’s generosity had always blown me away. “I’ll offer my services to your mother for the next month or two and see how things travel. Perhaps I can teach Drake the ropes, and he can become my assistant.”

Declan nodded. “I think he’ll like that. He’s focused on getting ahead. Have a chat with him.”

I rose. “Off to see your mother.” I paused. “What do you know of Bram, Savanah’s ex?”