“He’s fucking trouble.” He shook his head, looking like a worried brother.

“Have you met him?” A knot formed in my chest. I wanted that thug’s head on a platter. Not just because of this burning need to make Savanah safe, but because men who beat women needed their balls chopped off. At the very least.

“We went out for Savvie’s birthday to catch his band in London. I’m told he also writes poetry.” He rolled his eyes. “He’s nothing but a junkie. When I met him, he was off his face.”

“What’s he play?”

“He’s a singer. The music’s hard to define. According to Theadora, he sang unbearably out of tune. I agreed with that.” He chuckled dryly. “She also described him as a Peter Doherty wannabe.”

“Who’s he?”

“Oh, some guy who dated supermodels and made taking drugs a fashion statement.” He sniffed.

“I saw bruises on your sister’s arms. I also helped her hide from him at a club I was working at.”

He frowned. “Did she show you?”

I shuffled on the spot. “Um. I noticed it. She was trying to hide it.”

“Why didn’t she come to us, I wonder?” Declan muttered, looking like the worried brother. “Ethan’s having him investigated, and we’ve got someone on his trail in the hope of catching him buying drugs. That way we can get the prick locked away.”

“That’s a plan, I guess. But for now, he’s stalking her.”

His brow creased. “She told you?”

I squirmed. The look of surprise on Declan’s face wasn’t lost on me.

Should I tell him now that I’m smitten with his sister?

I held back on that. Mainly because I wasn’t sure what Savanah wanted. I couldn’t tell whether our night of passionate sex was just her venting her vixen act on me or something deeper.

Her head on my chest, with her body all curled up against mine, kept invading my thoughts, however. I’d also been walking around with a hard-on, thinking about how she felt, and I was smiling more often.

It wasn’t just fucking, though. Having someone to hold and touch felt just as nice.

“She’s told me something but hasn’t gone into detail.”

“I’ll have to convince her to lay charges then.” Declan rubbed the back of his head.

“She doesn’t want to. I’ve already suggested that.” I recalled the frightened look on Savanah’s face. Bram obviously had something over her.

“What about his father, the lord?” I asked. “He wouldn’t want his son harming the family’s reputation.”

He laughed. “It’s de rigueur in this scene. Drugged-out kids of the gentry are as common as drunken louts at a Man U. game.”

“So how did you get it so right?”

“I went off-course for a while. No drugs, though. Ethan faired worst. He had his cocaine and sex addiction. I was more into fast cars, planes, and unwinnable wars.”

I nodded slowly. “You’ve never flaunted your wealth. You were always one of us.”

“That means a lot.” He smiled. “It wasn’t until I fell in love with my beautiful wife that everything fell into place. Same for Ethan. We’re both happy and in love. I would give all this away in a blink if I had to choose between Theadora and the comforts of wealth.”

Did I want that?


I needed it to be simple, but could my dick do simple?