Somewhat disturbed by this encounter, I watched them walk off. Nouveau riche gutter: that’s how I would have described Bethany.

When I arrived back at Mayfair, I found Carson on his laptop.

He rose and gave me one of his warm, lingering hugs, followed by a kiss that always flushed me with warmth.

Chapter 28


Itkilledmetolie to the woman with whom I planned to spend my life.

“But who is she?” Savanah kept pressing.

Just my fucking luck: she’d spied me with the girl I’d hired to play an auctioning virgin. We were spotted at the front of the drama college where I’d originally scouted Tiffany, who I sensed would appeal to hungry, rich sleazebags. It pained me to know that girls had to resort to selling their innocence.

I didn’t get the whole virgin appeal myself. I’d always preferred experienced women. As a randy teenager, I quickly discovered that the inexperienced girls weren’t too pleased with my uncommonly large dick. That soon changed once I started fucking older, more experienced women. They couldn’t get enough of it, much to the pleasure of my turbo-charged libido.

Savanah’s brow pinched as she waited for my response.

I knitted my fingers. “She’s Angus’s ex. She wanted to know where he was.” Under pressure, that was the best excuse I could muster. Ridiculous as that was because a girl like Tiffany would have nothing to do with my drugged-out brother.

“Oh. I thought you’d lost touch with him.” Savanah sat next to me on the sofa.

“I have. But she asked to meet me.”

“She knows your number?”

I took a deep breath to give myself time to lie more. My stomach curled. This wasn’t me. I didn’t bullshit.

I thought about that unsavoury establishment, which I was just as determined to see closed as the Lovechildes. I didn’t want that grime near our lives.

“She must have gotten it somehow; I didn’t ask. I only agreed to see her because I thought she might know something more about Angus. Like his last whereabouts.”

“From where I stood, she seemed upset or emotional about something.”

I revisited my exchange with Tiffany, who wasn’t so much being emotional but coolly explaining that she’d agree to be a plant if I gave her a nice place to stay in the village, clothes, and a fat paycheque.

“Savvie, I’m not interested in her. I want you.”

I turned to her and gazed into her worried blue eyes. “Is that why you’re looking so freaked out?”

She headed to the bar and poured herself a G and T. “Can I get you one?”

I shook my head.

I knew Savvie well. Whenever she poured a large measure of liquor it meant that something heavy was going on. I only hoped she hadn’t turned this whole Tiffany affair into something bigger than it needed to be.

“I saw Bram.”

The blood drained from my face. “Did he hurt you?”

Tears streamed down her face, and I held her. Savanah’s body shuddered in my arms.

I pulled away to look at her. “What did he do? Fuck, Savanah, we need to put this cunt away.” Wearing her lost, wide-eyed stare, she sniffled. I returned a tight smile. “Sorry, vulgar language.”

Shaking her head, she broke out of my arms. “No, he is a cunt, all right.” She gulped down half of her drink. “He wants ten thousand pounds a week from me.”

“What? Forever?”