She bit her nail. “I imagine so. He’s threatened to send the tape into the dark web.”

I rolled my eyes and groaned. “Shit. Then the footage will be shared with whomever, and you’ll have very little control.”

She fell onto the sofa and buried her head.

I joined her and placed my arm around her.

“I’m fucked. If I pressed charges, he’d still do it. Don’t you see?”

“Leave it with me. I’ll find a way.”

Her eyes drowned in a pool of tears, and her lips quivered on mine as I kissed her.

“I hope you won’t resort to murder.”

I shook my head. “I won’t jeopardise my life with you, Savanah.”

Her mouth trembled into a sweet smile. “Even though I may not give you children?”

That was the first time she’d brought up our marriage. I even wondered if she was having second thoughts. Whereas for me, the idea of us together as man and wife had only strengthened.

“Being with you is all I need to be happy.” I gave her a warm smile.

She wiped her nose, and then her face brightened a little. “You didn’t just agree to marry me because my mother pushed you?”

I shook my head. “It came as a surprise, to be honest, but when I said it, the thought of marrying you felt natural. Are you having doubts?”

“No fucking way. I want this. I want us.”

I opened out my arms, and she fell into them. We kissed passionately, and then she separated from my hold.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

“I’ve got a little surprise for you. Just give me a few minutes and then come into the bedroom.”

I breathed out the stress that had taken grip, and instantly my dick woke up. It rarely took long around Savanah.

“That sounds a little wicked.” I grinned.

“Oh, it’s that, all right.” She swanned off, and I grabbed myself a bottle of water from a double-doored fridge that supplied us with all kinds of treats.

The cook had taken the night off, and I was about to order a pizza. The thought made my taste buds fire. But then, the thought of eating Savanah’s pussy as the first course made my mouth salivate more.

Her bedroom, which had become our room, always lifted my mood with its lavender rose scent.

I found her on the bed in a blue lacy number. Propping myself on the silky chair, I undid my fly as I prepared to watch Savanah perform one of her sexy little dances.

She pointed at my jeans. “Take them off. Shirt too.”

Her bossy tone only made me hotter. I opened my legs a little as my dick tented my briefs.

Like always, Savanah stole my breath with those long, shapely legs and perky arse that I loved to rub against.

“Mm…” Her seductive gaze fell on my growing cock. “I see you like this.”

I pointed to the bed. “Open your legs for me.”

“What will you do to me?” Acting coy, she placed her finger on her lips.