She sighed. “It’s complicated, darling. Anyway, I must run. I’m so glad you called. Let’s talk again soon.”

“It might be a day or two, given the lack of signal.”

“Bye, sweetheart.”

“Bye, Mum.”

Chapter 24


The boathouse was a dream come true, and after I cleaned the motor, I pushed the boat onto the water’s edge.

Savanah arrived with sandwiches and a flask of tea. She’d embraced domesticity to such an extent that when staff arrived, she asked that they clean but leave by day’s end, much to my relief. I’d grown fond of our privacy, and I was comfortable around the kitchen, and Savanah expressed eagerness to learn to cook. Not that I demanded she help, but the novelty of learning something new had fired her up. The look of wonder on her face after she’d made an omelette was priceless.

We’d even moved into the master bedroom, which came with a fireplace that the staff went to the trouble of stoking before leaving.

We’d been there for three weeks, and these were our last days.

Savanah stepped on the boat wearing clothes she’d bought in town, which included a sensible jacket, a beanie, and a new pair of low-heeled boots.

As we sat at the water’s edge eating sandwiches, she poured tea from the flask.

“You’re good at this,” I said.

“Well, Fiona helped.” She pulled a guilty smile. “But look, I baked this.” She opened a container with slices of cake.

The sweet aroma made my stomach smile. “I’m impressed. You’ll be able to open a cake shop soon.”

She giggled as she often did when I made impossible suggestions. This girl was a billionaire. Something I’d forgotten these past weeks. Savanah had become so down-to-earth and willing to learn that my heart swelled.

I took a bite of cake. “Delicious. You’re really good.”

“That’s what you said last night.” Her teasing smile made me laugh.

I rose from the seat outside the boat shed. “Are you sure you want to go out on the boat?”

She nodded and opened her backpack and brought out a sketchpad. “I thought I could take some pictures and make a few sketches.”

With her long dark hair in a ponytail and her face clean of makeup, Savanah had never looked more beautiful.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” she asked.

“Because I’m thinking of abducting you and keeping you locked up here with me.”

“Oh?” She inclined her pretty face in a challenge. She ran her tongue over her lips, and my jeans tightened. “And how will you do that?”

I helped her onto the boat and then carried on a fishing rod and a bucket filled with water.

“I could always lock you up in the bedroom.”

“Naked?” she asked.

“I can give you a shirt. But no underwear. Of course.”

“And what would you do if I tried to escape?” She smirked. Savanah loved these little games we often played.

“I’d strap you down and fuck you until you couldn’t walk.”