“I feel great, really. I’ve been getting around in the jeans that you left here years ago and Dad’s fishing jumper.”

“I’m so happy to hear from you. I’ve been so worried.”

“It’s all good. So, what’s been happening?”

“Mirabel had a baby girl.”

“Oh, really? I’ll have to call Ethan.”

“Do that. Her name’s Rose.”

“That’s so nice. A girl in the mix,” I said.

“I think so.”

“And what else?” I wanted to ask after Cary, but I sensed from her tone that something was amiss.

“I’m hosting a tea party this afternoon. I must keep moving.”

“What about Manon and that sleaze bar?”

“I’m staying out of it, darling. Reynard has reassured me it’s all legitimate.”

“And Manon?”

“She’s her own person.”

“But she’s living at Merivale.”

“It’s here or with Rey. I’d prefer her close.”

“Why are you protecting her? And if she’s on with Crisp, then let him take care of her.”

“She’s not with him, she’s assured me. She’s young, and I need her close. At least she’s behaving. She’s even set up an office here, and she’s keeping herself busy and is even treating the staff with a little more respect. Maybe that’s all she needed all along, something to focus on and a stable environment.”

“But Ma Chérie is bringing us into disrepute,” I persisted.

“Let’s talk soon. Are you coming home?”

“I might stay a couple more weeks.”

That was new to me. I just thought of it, and fuzzy warmth flooded me.

“But it sounds so uncomfortable, and there’s no staff. And to think, I sent Jim twenty thousand pounds, along with the monthly caretaking fee I’ve been paying him for years.”

“I don’t need staff. We’re doing our own cooking. It’s really nice. And I’m drawing.”


“Well, Carson’s here.”

“Mm… It sounds intimate.”

“Have you spoken to Cary?” My mother’s talent for evading questions taught me well when it came to subterfuge.

“He keeps calling me.”

“Is he going to leave his wife?”