I laughed. Yesterday it was all about shoes and five-star restaurants. Today it was a cup of tea. Maybe this situation was good for her after all because if anyone needed a dose of reality, it was Savanah.

I whipped up some pancakes and placed them on our plates. Then, holding up a jar of homemade raspberry jam, I said, “Look what I found.”

“Yum.” She stared down at her plate as though seeing a miracle. “I’m starving, and these look great.”

I lavished jam on her pancakes and mine, feeling quite pleased with myself. I hadn’t cooked for a while, and I quite enjoyed it. Especially seeing Savanah’s pretty face light up.

”I also found ground coffee and an espresso.”

Her eyes widened with glee like I’d discovered a gold mine.

With breakfast eaten and the coffee brewed, Savanah looked quite content as she clutched her cup. “So, shall we go out and try to get a ride to the village?”

“In this rain?” I frowned.

She’d changed into a dress suited for a night out in London. “Maybe we should wait until it stops, I suppose.”

“Have you got any jeans or comfortable clothes?”

She touched her dress. “This is comfortable.”

“But you’re shivering, Savvie.”

“I’ve got some leggings. I’ll pop them on. They’ll look kind of weird with this, though.”

“I preferred you in my T-shirt, to be honest,” I said.

“You don’t like my clothes?” She looked disappointed like I’d criticised something dear to her heart.

“You’re not only the most beautiful, but also the most stylish woman I’ve ever known. I’m just talking about comfort here.”

She slanted her face. “What a nice thing to say.”

Without a stitch of makeup, Savanah looked ravishing with those rosy cheeks and her bright eyes brimming with anticipation.

“I am a little cold, I must admit. When we go to the village, I can buy some warmer clothes.”

“We’re not going to the village in this rain, Savvie.” I rubbed my face.

How will we do this?

I could easily entertain myself. I had a book on military history that I enjoyed sinking into. How would I keep Savanah occupied?

Her face scrunched, as though she was trying to solve something. “Oh, well. I guess I best try to change into something a little more comfortable.”

We returned to our makeshift bedroom, and as I added more logs to the fire, Savanah laid out her extensive collection of clothes.

“You brought a lot of clothes.” I grinned.

“I don’t enjoy wearing the same thing twice.”

“You must need a large room just for your clothes.” I poked at the embers to fire them up before adding more logs.

“I give them away to charity shops.”

“That’s generous.”

I headed back into the kitchen and to the storage room, where I put on a pair of wellingtons and a heavy-duty raincoat and hat.