Never far from my side, which I kind of liked, Savanah grimaced. “Are you seriously going out there?”

“I’m going to get as much wood as I can. You can help if you like.” I pointed to another raincoat and boots.

She looked at them in horror.

“You know what? Don’t worry. I’ve got this. Have you got a book or something?”

“I have.” She bit her lip. “I’ve also brought my sketchpad.”

Now that took me by surprise. “You draw?”

“Don’t look so surprised. I attended art school for a while.”

“I’m not surprised. You’ve got a lot of flair, Savvie.”

I left her there at the door, watching as I tramped into the thick downpour, trying to avoid the mudholes.

Chapter 23


WhowouldhavethoughtI’d be sitting there getting all aroused by seeing Carson stoking the stove for our daily survival?

Clutching a cup of tea, I watched on, entertained as this muscle-bound hottie worked up a sweat. His checkered shirt looked like it might pop buttons as he threw heavy logs into the furnace.

He caught me ogling, and a subtle smile grew on his sexy lips. “What?”

I shrugged. “I’m just getting off on watching you labouring.”

He sniffed in that dismissive way of his. “Your turn will come soon. How’s that cup of tea coming?”

“Ooh… Aren’t we getting bossy?” I poked my tongue.

If truth be known, I liked him bossing me around. Once I would have resisted, even protested, but this experience had changed me. He even ordered me to clean the bath after I refused to use it, which caused a huge argument. As a result, we both scrubbed away and ended up in it making love.

The pain in my body had subsided too, and despite my initial whining over the lack of modern conveniences, I’d grown fond of having to think about mundane things like stoking the fire or making cups of tea. Even washing dishes. Carson had me doing chores I’d never done before. It always started with an argument, but then he’d spank me playfully or say something silly. I even provoked him on purpose.

Isolation had done me the world of good, and three days into our stay, I’d even gotten used to canned food.

Carson cast his attention on my drawing pad. I’d turned the kitchen table into my makeshift desk, mainly because the light was ideal.

“Do you mind if I look?” He cocked his head towards my pad.

I shrugged. “It’s just a project I’m doing for my course.”

“You’re enrolled in a course?” His eyebrows shot up.

I laughed. “Don’t look so shocked.”

“I’m not. I’m just interested.”

That was him. Interested in everything I revealed about myself.

Another big tick.

He had lots of those.

Gold stars, if I had to mark him.