Everyone’s eyes were on me, suddenly. What a difficult fucking conversation. No one wanted to hear that there was a pornographic tape of someone close.

I didn’t.

Hearing that had made my fucking veins stiffen, and now I understood why Savanah panicked.

“Has she said anything?” Caroline asked Declan.

“Not with that much detail.” Declan rubbed his neck.

“Is he blackmailing her?” Caroline asked me.

“I believe so, Mrs. Lovechilde.”

“So why am I only hearing about this now?”

“We had a word with Lord Pike about pulling his son into line and dropping the threat. But he didn’t care. I got the feeling he wants this relationship to work. Even if it takes blackmail.” Declan raised his brow.

“He’s a gambler. He wants our wealth. That’s plain to see.” Caroline shook her head. “He’ll never be a part of this family. If I have to report him, I will.” She looked at Crisp, as though appealing to him to do something, but he remained inscrutable as always.

I kept wondering what this sly character had over such a refined woman as Caroline Lovechilde. Although he conducted himself with the airs and graces typical of wealth, no amount of money, expensive suits, or Rolex watches hid filth.

“What else is on the tape?” Caroline asked me.

“Your daughter didn’t go into detail.” My chest tightened. Why would she think I’d know more?

Does she know about me and Savanah?

“All I can tell you is that Bram’s threatening to upload the footage onto social media.”

“Then we must involve the police. They’ll have to stop this.” Her large dark eyes filled with alarm. This was her daughter’s reputation at stake. “They can, can’t they?”

“All he’s got to do is press a button. They can arrest him. But it will be after the fact,” I said.

“In other words, this tape will become public before the law can intervene?” Declan asked.

I shrugged. “I’m not an expert, but I’d be on the phone to your lawyer.”

“At least he’s being held for the moment. He can’t do anything. So, now’s the time to act,” Declan told his mother.

Ethan, who’d joined us again, shook his head. “This had to happen today.”

“Don’t worry, darling. The hotel’s a triumph.” His mother kissed his cheek. “You’ve done a stellar job.”

Declan nodded. “You have, Eth.”

I left them and went to Savanah’s room.

After I knocked on the door, I heard, “Go away.”

“It’s Carson.”

She opened the door. Her mascara had run, and her big blues drowned in tears.

I wanted to take her in my arms and hold her. Soothe her.

“He’s been arrested.”

“But that won’t hold him for long. He’ll still send out that fucking tape.” She ran her hands over her hair. “I’ve made such a mess of my life. I want to die.” She fell onto the sofa and sobbed.