Theadora helped me up and, taking me gently by the hand, said, “Come on, let’s go to the powder room.”

Bram yelled, “You’ll be hearing from my fucking lawyer.”

My mother, Declan, and Ethan looked at me in horror.

“You need to settle this now.” Declan followed us along the hall to the restroom.

“What’s he talking about?” my mother asked, accompanying him. “What was he saying? Is there footage of you?”

Tears pooled in my eyes. “Why did you invite him?” I pointed at Bram’s ugly father, who’d caught up with us.

“Why has that thug got my son in a hold?” he asked.

“Because he’s making a nuisance of himself, like he did at the opening of Salon Soir.” I eyeballed Crisp, who returned a haughty grin. Drama seemed to entertain that vampirish creep.

“Why are you with that brute?” my mother continued, ignoring Crisp.

“My son is a little troubled,” Pike interjected. “He just needs a tender hand. It’s your daughter that’s stirring the trouble.”

“From what I’m seeing, he’s the one with the drug issue,” she responded with a blast of ice. “This is a personal matter. Leave.” Her wide angry eyes shifted from Pike to Crisp.

He returned a grunt and walked off with his ugly conspirator by his side.

My mother turned to me. “What’s this about a tape?”

Carson returned and stood close by. He gave me a subtle nod.

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I turned to her. “I can’t talk right now. I need some space.”

Chapter 16


Ethanjoinedusinthe hallway. “What the hell’s happening? Can’t we have one function without drama?”

Caroline Lovechilde responded with a sigh. “It’s your sister and that horrible boyfriend. I had to tell Lord Pike to leave. He put up a fuss after Carson rightfully removed his lunatic son. And now Lord Pike’s threatening Savanah.” She turned to Crisp. “Why did you bring him?”

He opened out his large, skinny hands. “He got the invite. As did I.”

Her brow furrowed as she turned to Ethan.

“I’ll make sure I get his name scrubbed off the VIP list in future.”

“Promise me. I don’t want that man around.”

Declan returned and said, “The cops are dealing with him.” He looked at me. “He says you hit him.”

“I pushed him off Savanah. And then I had to drag him outside when he refused to budge. He tried to punch me, and I blocked it. That’s all. If I had hit him, you’d know.”

Declan nodded slowly. “I wouldn’t have blamed you if you had. I’ve been pretty close to whacking him a few times.”

It took the control of someone fasting at a cake fair for me to stop myself from knocking Bram’s yellowing teeth out.

I kept that to myself.

“Where’s Savanah?” Declan asked.

“She went to her room,” Caroline said. She looked at me again. “What was he saying about Savanah and some lewd act?”