I walked out like a zombie. I couldn’t even breathe without sobbing.
Was it his death or hearing how my father was too ashamed to see me that had turned me into a block of ice?
All of it.
A sad life lost. My brother, through no fault of his young heart, had run to our father for protection.
I turned off my phone, and heading off into my cave, I returned to the flat I’d grown up in. Balancing a photo album on my thighs, for that was all I had left of my flesh and blood, I stayed the night with a six-pack for company.
Chapter 29
Carsonwasn’tpickinguphis phone or answering my texts. He always answered within an hour or two, and now that night had arrived, I became worried sick.
What if he’s in an accident?
Would they know to call me?
I jumped into my mother’s car and headed to the village to see if he was at his apartment, just in case he’d fallen asleep after returning from London.
He’d been pretty shaken by Bram’s latest threats, and my overactive imagination created all kinds of horror scenarios, like Carson being stabbed or shot. The drug scene always came with guns and violence. Drug addicts did anything for a hit. Even kill.
After parking the car in front of the redbrick Victorian building repurposed into apartments, I rang the buzzer.
When he picked up, I sighed with relief. “Carson.”
“He’s not here.”
A girl?
“Who’s that?” I asked.
“Um… Tiffany.”
My heart pounded. “Are you family?”
“No. I’ll tell him you called by if you like.”
“No need.”
I leaned against the wall.
What the fuck?
I couldn’t let that go. I needed answers, so I buzzed again. “This is Savvie again. Can I come up?”
The door opened and instead of waiting for the elevator; I ran up two flights of stairs.
A beautiful blonde answered the door. She might have been around twenty. Big boobs, slim, and gorgeous. Blood drained from my body. She was the same girl I’d seen him talking to.
“Who are you?” I asked.
“I’m Tiffany.”
“I mean, what’s your connection to Carson?”
Taking her time to answer, she shifted on the spot. “I don’t really want to say.”