I just stood there like an idiot. My legs shaking.

“Look, we’re just friends.” She smiled meekly. Tiffany had obviously noticed me freaking out. I’d never been good at hiding my emotions.

I left her standing at the door, biting her bottom lip.

Was this Carson with a girl on the side while planning to marry me because I was rich?

That being the case, why couldn’t he stop fucking me? How did he have anything left for her?


When I returned to Merivale, I found Cary and my mother lost in a deep conversation on the chaise lounge in the red room. My mother wore an almost embarrassed smile.

Who was this imposter? What has she done to my normally self-assured mother?

She must have noticed that I’d been crying because her frown deepened. “What’s happened?”

I turned to Cary. “Have you left your wife?” I hated hearing that fly out of my angry mouth. Did all the men in our lives have ulterior motives?

“Can you give us a moment?” she asked Cary.

He stretched. “I might just go for a walk. It’s a pleasant night.”

As they shared a moment, the air seemed to fizz with electricity.

I followed her into the office.

“That was rude.” Back to her fierce best. My mother pointed at me. “You have no right to judge him without knowing the facts.” She sounded frustrated and sad at the same time. “Especially after the rubbish you’ve brought here.”

I bit my nail. “Carson’s not rubbish.”

“I’m referring to all your other lamentable and pernicious liaisons.”

Bram’s latest demands flooded my brainwaves, and I slumped into a heap on the chair, cupped my eyes, and sobbed. “I’m seriously in trouble.”

Her anger faded, and her brow creased with concern.

“Bram’s blackmailing me.”

I told her about the threats and how he’d bailed me up in a London alleyway.

She shook her head. “I have to put a stop to this. Now.” She puffed. “Okay. Leave it with me.”

“What can you do? Other than have him knocked off.”

Not even a look of shock. I waited for her to tell me to stop talking nonsense.

“Don’t worry. We’ll sort this out. Leave it with me,” she repeated.

I wiped my nose, and then, taking a deep breath, I stood up. “I’m sorry for bringing trouble to the family.”

She put her arm around me, and I cried in her arms. Something I never did. With my father, yes. Plenty of times. But not with my normally distant mother.

“Carson’s not answering my texts. He’s in London.” I stepped away and sank into the armchair again. “When I visited his village apartment, a stunning young blonde answered the door. She wouldn’t tell me what she was doing there, either. Like she had something to hide.”

“Savanah, it’s probably easily explained. Don’t jump to conclusions. I wouldn’t.”

“Well, you might not let something like that worry you, considering you’re seeing a married man, but I’m not about to marry a man who might have a girlfriend on the side. We’re rich, Mother. Men gravitate towards us for our bank accounts.”